Gunisaka - Community Team
Gunisaka - Community Team
- Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
- Requirements for Participation
- Have completed the Records of Eminence objective Sheol C.
- Be in a party whose members all have three or more jobs at level 99 and all participating players have non-duplicate jobs.
- Be in possessions of a Moglophone II key item.
- Have defeated all monsters in Atonements 1, 2, and 3.
- Augmenting Equipment
- Purchased equipment may be augmented using reinforcement points earned by defeating the appropriate monster or reducing its HP at Vengeance +1 or higher.
Gunisaka - Community Team
- New items have been added.
Gunisaka - Community Team
- Behind-the-scenes improvements have been made to reduce the lag that occurred in Odyssey’s Sheol: Gaol under certain conditions.
* Added 03/19/2021
- The Adventuring Primer has undergone the following corrections.
- The locations of the linkshell concierges have been corrected.
- Information on linkshell concierge themes has been removed.
- The following terms have been added to the auto-translate function.
Category Term Languages The Japanese Assist Channel is "/assistj". The English Assist Channel is "/assiste". Game Terms 2 Mentor Assist Channel
Gunisaka - Community Team
- The issue wherein certain battle logic for foes in Odyssey’s Sheol: Gaol was incorrect.
- The issue with Sheol: Gaol wherein players would be left behind in boss areas under certain conditions.
- The issue with Sheol: Gaeol wherein monsters were able to be vanquished after time had expired.
- The issue with the following items wheren certain help text would fail to properly display after augmentation.
Mpaca’s Gloves / Gleti’s Greaves / Gleti’s Boots / Mpaca’s Boots / Bunzi’s Sabots
- The issue with the item Sakpata’s Cuisses wherein the attribute “Damage taken -9%” did not function properly.
- The issue wherein the following items’ icons were incorrect.
Agwu’s Gages / Bunzi’s Sabots / Ikenga’s Lance
- The issue with the monthly battlefield Records of Eminence objective wherein completing the objective would occasionally reward an inappropriate item.
- The issue with East Sarutabaruta wherein summoning an avatar during Elite Training, a Wanted battle, or the quest The Cardians’ Duty would cause enhancement effects granted by blood pacts to affect only the avatar after the battle concludes.
- [English Version Only] The issue wherein certain dialogue in the quest Dancing Prince was incorrect.
Gunisaka - Community Team
- In the Assault Azure Experiments, the party leader will occasionally become unable to change equipment if the assault is commenced before the party leader displays.
Gunisaka - Community Team
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