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  1. #1
    mantaroo's Avatar
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    please address the 100 Trial (and EX) being major motion sickess/epilepsy trigger!

    hi there!

    i am posting this to bring attention to the level 100 trial and its VFX effects. i am someone who deals with severe motion sickness and is in the process of being diagnosed with a neurological condition that causes my motion sickness. i am a long time fan, but this is something that affects my ability to play and enjoy the game and i often try to separate myself from things that are intense visually so i don't trigger episodes.

    however, the 100 trial is mandatory MSQ content, and therefore unavoidable. my first time playing through the trial, i had a horrible motion sickness episode that resulted in me not being able to play the game for several hours afterwards due to dizziness and migraine. i was able to complete the trial after a wonderful and very understanding party experience, but i dread queuing for Trials roulette knowing that i could possibly get the 100 Trial. i often drop out of the party if i get the trial because i cannot subject myself to a motion sickness episode for the sake of a roulette. i have also resigned myself to the fact that i will likely never be able to complete the 100 trial EX because of the visuals, which is a shame, because i really do like doing EX content!

    as a long time player of this game, i am pretty disappointed!! i personally only experience problems with motion sickness, but there are people out there who play FFXIV that struggle with migraines, vertigo, and even seizures who are also forced to attempt to finish MSQ by beating their head into a Trial that is a risk to their health. i also know this is not the only instance in which the dev team has included visuals that are dangerous to those with epilepsy (the final Nier raid is what first comes to mind, i am sure there are plenty others), and it is disappointing that this sort of thing is not even taken into consideration when making these fights.

    at the very least, i would like for there to be a "photosensitivity" mode that allows you to disable or weaken these visuals for the game in general. we're allowed to disabled player skill animations and VFX, so i feel as if making the visuals in fights as a toggle-able setting wouldn't be completely out of the realm of possibility.

    by posting this, i hope there are others that share similar disabilities and sensitivities to visuals that will share their experiences and share similar sentiments to how these visuals affect their ability to play the game. and i hope SE will respond in a way that is helpful and empathetic.
    Last edited by mantaroo; 11-16-2024 at 10:11 AM. Reason: fixed some grammatical errors and spelling

  2. #2
    Zakuyia's Avatar
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    I'ma be real. It might not be worth it to do these fights if ur feeling that way. The new ex rotation is cool but if they have to change it due to that ur punishing us as well. Yeah i get its a problem you have but i dont share motion sickness. So it feels like the game were trying to have fun with is being forced to belcome stagnant on ideas.

    You open the door theres nothing in sight. You close the door wondering whats in sight. But lets be honest its probably gonna just let you down.

  3. #3
    Crimen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zakuyia View Post
    I'ma be real. It might not be worth it to do these fights if ur feeling that way. The new ex rotation is cool but if they have to change it due to that ur punishing us as well. Yeah i get its a problem you have but i dont share motion sickness. So it feels like the game were trying to have fun with is being forced to belcome stagnant on ideas.
    Yikes. Talk about lack of empathy.

    Anyway, I think this really is an issue that should be addressed. It wouldn't be the first time they have needed to adjust things due to how it affects people. OP is definitely not the only one experiencing this as I've seen a few other posts here and on Reddit discussing this same matter.

  4. #4
    Elkanah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zakuyia View Post
    I'ma be real. It might not be worth it to do these fights if ur feeling that way. The new ex rotation is cool but if they have to change it due to that ur punishing us as well. Yeah i get its a problem you have but i dont share motion sickness. So it feels like the game were trying to have fun with is being forced to belcome stagnant on ideas.
    bro-- we had the same issue with the Nier raid series, and it was tuned properly to avoid the issues with seizures after people started falling like flies to it. The fights can still be fun, just update the adjusted colors and motion and you'd barely notice it.

  5. #5
    Dirwen's Avatar
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    I'm still mad we lost mount tilt because people complaining about motion sickness. This game going to crap cause they are babies there I said it.

  6. #6
    Ath192's Avatar
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    Yeah I have to say everytime they do anything people come out to complain about this and that, and I feel for everyone out there with their specific health issues but I don't think they can design anything anymore of they take them all into account.

  7. #7
    sylphlands's Avatar
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    Not sure why the comments are being so dismissive of this. Photosensitivity and seizure disorders are meant to be taken into account when designing video games, this isn't some niche issue that only "babies" have. Do you guys think epilepsy is a choice?
    Last edited by sylphlands; 11-16-2024 at 04:19 PM.

  8. #8
    flowerkatie's Avatar
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    People on both sides here are acting like fixing the accessibility issue has to change anything for people who don't have health conditions. It doesn't, they are called optional settings. Things like this should be an optional toggle, nothing more or less. If you choose to (optionally) toggle it then it'll adjust the colours and intensity of certain affects and that way people with certain conditions can still be supported and people without experience no loss of content.

  9. #9
    KillaKilala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flowerkatie View Post
    People on both sides here are acting like fixing the accessibility issue has to change anything for people who don't have health conditions. It doesn't, they are called optional settings. Things like this should be an optional toggle, nothing more or less. If you choose to (optionally) toggle it then it'll adjust the colours and intensity of certain affects and that way people with certain conditions can still be supported and people without experience no loss of content.
    Absolutely, yes. But people are acting like this because of the recent mount and character tilt changes, when we got an option to turn it off, but when it’s on it’s barely noticeable and to me feels like as if it’s turned off. And also the fact that the devs make the game super easy in general, without providing any threatening content. Yeah raids may be hard and challenging but after a few clears you just autopilot it because of how scripted they are, and if you make a mistake it’s not threatening, it’s just an instant wipe.

  10. #10
    Rehayem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sylphlands View Post
    Not sure why the comments are being so dismissive of this. Photosensitivity and seizure disorders are meant to be taken into account when designing video games, this isn't some niche issue that only "babies" have. Do you guys think epilepsy is a choice?
    SE doesn't seem to think people have those issue since each patch everything becomes more and more flashier.

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