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  1. #1
    Sonikah's Avatar
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    Loot Rules for Triple Triad Cards

    Please consider changing the way Triple Triad cards are rolled for at the end of Alliance Raids so that you can only roll "Need" if you don't have the card already registered or in your inventory. Players who already have the card and just want to get another card to sell for MGP should be limited to rolling "Greed" to make it more possible for players to complete their card collection.

  2. #2
    dspguy's Avatar
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    This isn't the first time we've seen this. However, your (presumed) complaint is absolutely warranted. There are so many other ways to gain MGP, getting a card that you don't need using a "need" roll is not the way to earn MGP. The card should not be sellable until you already have one in your deck. And after that, it should be greed only.

    I'm not optimistic we will see this changed. We still can't accept party invites if engaging with a marketboard or talking to retainers. That seems like an obvious oversight on their part. And if they haven't felt the need to address something that nearly every player has experienced, I seriously doubt they will address something that matters to only a tiny portion of the playerbase.
    Last edited by dspguy; 03-31-2023 at 10:15 AM.