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  1. #1
    Diyani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    Diyani Theyn
    Main Class
    Dark Knight Lv 90

    Proof of completion doesn't register for certain chocobo bardings

    Edit: NVM, it seems the issue is that from lvl 60+ the bardings are all master recipes, which don't seem to have the "tick" showing up in any case. I didn't notice they weren't normal crafts since I used the recipe search.

    When crafting chocobo bardings, I noticed that the crafting of the Sephirotic barding and the horde Barding did not prompt the message "Proof of completion recorded in crafting log!". The "tick" in the crafting log which indicates previously crafted items also does not show up.

    Date & Time: 21.04., 10:30ST
    Frequency: Twice
    World name: Louisoix
    Character name: Diyani Theyn
    Retainer name:
    NPC name:
    Monster name:

    Class/Level: LTW Lvl 90
    Party or solo: Solo
    In-game time:
    Area and coordinates: The Pillars
    1. Collect Materials for craft
    2. Complete Craft

    What I expected to see(example of another LTW barding):

    What happened:

    How it shows up in the crafting log to show that I did not previously craft the barding:
    Last edited by Diyani; 04-21-2022 at 08:03 PM. Reason: invalid report