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  1. #1
    milosralevic's Avatar
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    Feedback concerning Glamour Plates/Dresser


    It is without a doubt that glamour has been a major part of the game and it comes with no surprise that the team has done tremendous efforts to let us display our ever-increasing variety of items with ease.

    We've seen the latest addition of Glamour Plates (GP) and Glamour Dresser (GD) system onto the game quite some time ago now, but I can't help but notice how peculiar they work.

    1. There are currently many more items you can store in your GD than you can display onto the GP at a time.
    - There are up to 400 items you can store into the GD and there are currently 15 GP you can set using those items.
    - There are also up to 12 different items slots you can equip and display onto your character at a time (including Off Hand). If you had a unique item for each of those item slots for every plate, that would lead you to a total of 180 items you can display (12*15=180).
    - That leaves 220 items left unused in the GD. If we are generous and also include items you can cast on your Squadron -oof- Members, that still leaves 164 items left unused in the GD.
    2. You are unable to cast GP at certain locations, precisely outside of big cities and housing.
    - The game currently lets you cast glamours individually onto an item one at a time and that anywhere, but prevents you from casting GP likewise.
    - TFW you are out gathering in Rak'tika and having to switch to your Healer Job once Duty Roulette pops, but you are left unable to cast your Scholar specific GP onto your Crystarium Robe, leaving you atrociously unfashionable during that Anamnesis Anyder run. DISGUSTANG
    - TFW a Hunt Train is about to start and you switch to Dark Knight in Lakeland, cuz you know you're just vibing it right now, but you are left unable to cast your Dark Knight specific GP onto your Crystarium Tabart, leaving you unsheathed from darkness and feeling naked with that god's monstrosity of a coat -it's not that bad looking but still- amidst the almighty good looking Balmung. Feelsbadman
    3. Certain items cannot be stored into the GD while some can.
    - This one always confused me. I've always been a huge admirer of the 2.0 Artifact Gear and Relic Weapon sets. Albeit the 2.0 Artifact Gear can be stored into the Armoire and later used on a GP, the 2.0 Relic Weapons, cannot. I am left carrying the Bravura Atma around in my personal inventory. I am still puzzled why these Relic Weapons, unlike their 5.0 counterparts, cannot be stored onto the GD.
    These points might not be of personal value to most of you, as the GD is mostly used to hoard good looking items for most people, but I would love to see the GP/D system expanded and used more efficiently for the players. For example, doubling the number of GP or matching the number with Jobs or Gear Sets. This would give much more purpose to the items stored in the GD.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
    Last edited by milosralevic; 06-24-2020 at 05:55 AM.

  2. #2
    DrWho2010's Avatar
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    you should really add your thoughts to an existing thread instead of creating a new one. multiple threads with little to no responses just muddies the pool and the devs will never see them.

  3. #3
    milosralevic's Avatar
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    I did try the advance search but I guess my lack of experience here shows. If you can link an existing thread perhaps that would help, or I hope this one becomes more visible.