Quote Originally Posted by Iscah View Post
While I agree that I'm fine with not every reward being "for me", and I am fortunate enough to have a house... there aren't nearly enough storage slots in the outdoor storeroom room to put them aside, and they're very rarely things I would want to have out all the time.

If I could discard and repurchase them (and not from the Mog Station!), that would be a lot more manageable.
I think that all event rewards, as long as you get the achievement, should be purchasable via the Calamity Salvager sans those bought with gil. And if they are grind based, as in getting tokens, then they should just be 10-20k each from the Salvager as a trade off.

I also agree with OP in making them tradable. Some previous years items are still on the MB and thus in circulation. A few million gil in some cases, yes. But it's not $5.