Hello! Fever Clan is now recruiting all Eorzeans from veterans to new players for our FC.

FeverClan is an Online gaming community with members from all countries around the world. Currently we have numerous Gaming-genre Sections, including MMO, RPG, Shooters or MOBA.

We are a mature gaming clan (18+) that places an emphasis on creating a casual gaming atmosphere for our members. The number one thing that Fever looks for in its new members -- is the ability to have fun. We place a high premium on competitive play, but at the end of the day -- the friendships we have within our community are worth far more than the score at the end of the round. For this reason we have strict rules against cheating and internal drama.

In addition, our members take pride in contributing towards our online community. This creates a laid back yet fun atmosphere for our members to play in. We are always looking for new members to join us. Player skill is not important, whether you're a casual noob, expert, or someone in between -- all are welcome to join.

Requirements for joining us:

FeverClan is currently recruiting mature players meeting three basic criteria:
Players must be of 18 years of age or older. Players must be in our hosted Discord server while playing with other Fever Members. Players must be active on the forums (a minimum of 1 Post per 2 weeks to maintain accurate member counts) What benefits does Fever-Clan give?:

• Weekly Gaming Nights with all the other Fever Players/FC Members
• Different non-game-related Competitions with rewards
• An extensive Leadership-system with numerous Officers for each Section, who are working to improve your gaming experience each and every day!
• An even larger Clan-Job System for everyone, who wants to contribute to his personal-favored gaming Section
• Members are always looking for more People to play with, whether it’s competitive or casual gaming.

We would love to see you check out our site and become a member of our community! Put that Diane has referred you.

Create Account here: https://www.feverclan.com/forums/ (click register in the upper right corner)

Submit application:

Interviews: Conducted on our Discord server (joinable through our website) and are quick and painless.

If you have any questions about Fever I would be happy to answer them! Feel free to send me a message in discord diane#0963 and I'll get back to you in a timely manner! Also, membership in Fever Clan isn't required to join our FC, but joining our discord is so that we can communicate while playing. Happy FF!