When submitting a bug report, please use the below template and thoroughly fill out the necessary information.

Date & Time: 18 August 2019 about 13:10pm JST
Frequency: First time
World name: Tonberry
Character name: Mayoyama Nakata
Retainer name: -
NPC name: -
Monster name: -
Class/Level: FSH80
Party or solo: solo
In-game time: 4-6am
Area and coordinates: Azys Lla ( 21.9 , 23.3 ) Z: 8.9
1. Have Fish Eyes Active
2. Catch a functional proto-hropken
3. Use Identical Cast
4. Wait for GP to regenerate
5. Attempt to catch the functional proto-hropken again (no fish eyes, I forgot) and get the error "There are no potential catches nearby."
6. Use fish eyes (Identical cast still active) and try to catch the fish again, and still get "There are no potential catches nearby." several times, despite the appropriate weather still being available and buff (fish eyes) being up (meaning all the normal conditions for catching this fish were met)
*Add more steps if necessary