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  1. #41
    StouterTaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashayn View Post
    May I know how exactly? So I can map them out myself.
    The values shown in the sub interface are with speed applied to them, I did try to find how to get them but I don't get the exact value.
    Equip a slow speed sub, I'll be using a UWSy'Sy' for 5 speed

    First up, find base > destination time
    The Isle of Sacrament, look at top line only
    Time to Destination is around (8610 minutes / your speed).
    Multiply this number by your speed to get time to destination, around 8610 (looking at a 70 speed sub, will have it more accurate with a 5 speed)

    Do the same for all zones, and this gets your the first column of the table. A->B is the same as B->A, so you can transpose values and fill in the first row. Here's a sea of ash time table as reference:
    	(H)	A	B	C	D	E
    (H)	0	11184	14300	16864	16163	25322
    A	11184	
    B	14300	
    C	16864	
    D	16163	
    E	25322
    Next column starts with A -> A, this is where I put in my survey time
    This value will be around (61,600 minutes / your speed)
    Multiply this value by your speed, to get around 61,600 minutes

    Select The Isle of Sacrament as a destination, then record the time from there to the other zones the same way you did Home -> each destination, that's your 2nd column, which you can transpose as your 2nd row as well

    	(H)	A	B	C	D	E
    (H)	0	11184	14300	16864	16163	25322
    A	11184	33600	6640	7193	10381	23265
    B	14300	6640	
    C	16864	7193	
    D	16163	10381	
    E	25322	23265
    Remove The Isle of Sacrament as a destination and select the next zone as your first stop, and record it the way you recorded The Isle of Sacrament. The number of recordings gets smaller each time, because you have already done the zones above you and can skip them.

    When you get done you have something like this:
    	(H)	A	B	C	D	E
    (H)	0	11184	14300	16864	16163	25322
    A	11184	33600	6640	7193	10381	23265
    B	14300	6640	33600	11956	15494	12416
    C	16864	7193	11956	37800	10601	24547
    D	16163	10381	15494	10601	37800	14033
    E	25322	23265	12416	24547	14033	42000
    To find total time for a voyage from the chart, here's a C -> B voyage as an example
    (H) -> C
    -6864 to travel from base to C
    C -> C
    -37800 to survey C
    C -> B
    -11956 to travel from C to B
    B -> B
    -33600 to survey B
    (return to base is not figured into equations)

    Total is 100220, divide this by your speed, let's go with 70
    1432 minutes
    23 hours, 52 minutes

    Add 12 hours for prep and return to base time (or whatever reason you feel like, it's how the game is programmed to figure it out)
    1 day, 11 hours, 52 minutes

    I'll map them all out on Tuesday, after my subs finish their current voyages

  2. #42
    Ashayn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the explanation!
    No wonder I had some weird results. I tried with 65, 79 and 100 speed, so I wasn't sure which one was more accurate.

  3. #43
    Ashayn's Avatar
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    [     0,  8620, 40800, 21485, 42820, 38060, 44885, 34680, 35680 ],
    [  8620, 61600, 37295, 13900, 37495, 30110, 38635, 26490, 27095 ],
    [ 40800, 37295, 61600, 29090, 20770, 28740, 24170, 32135, 38640 ],
    [ 21485, 13900, 29090, 61600, 25010, 16705, 25190, 17595, 18610 ],
    [ 42820, 37495, 20770, 25010, 63000, 19630,  6150, 30860, 33540 ],
    [ 38060, 30110, 28740, 16705, 19630, 63000, 15840, 13415, 14435 ],
    [ 44885, 38635, 24170, 25190,  6150, 15840, 64400, 28200, 30225 ],
    [ 34680, 26490, 32135, 17595, 30860, 13415, 28200, 65100,  8125 ],
    [ 35680, 27095, 38640, 18610, 33540, 14435, 30225,  8125, 65800 ],
    These are the values I got w/ 5 speed. The time is slighly off the mark for some trips and depending on the speed but it's still better than nothing I guess

  4. #44
    StouterTaru's Avatar
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    All your numbers passed the hashcheck except for Sea of Jade 2, which I appear to have screwed up the distance for. I've dumped your numbers into the spreadsheet, and will fix Jade 2 when I get home tonight.

  5. #45
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    [ 0,  7, 35, 18, 37, 33, 39, 30, 31], // All base distances to destinations (Sea of Jade)
    [ 7, 22, 32, 12, 32, 26, 33, 23, 23], // The Isle of Sacrament
    [35, 32, 22, 25, 18, 25, 21, 28, 33], // The Kraken's Tomb
    [18, 12, 25, 22, 21, 14, 22, 15, 16], // Sea of Jade 1
    [37, 32, 18, 21, 23, 17,  5, 27, 29], // Rogo-Tumu-Here's Haunt
    [33, 26, 25, 14, 17, 23, 13, 11, 12], // The Stone Barbs
    [39, 33, 21, 22,  5, 13, 24, 24, 26], // Rogo-Tumu-Here's Repose
    [30, 23, 28, 15, 27, 11, 24, 24,  7], // Tangaroa's Prow
    [31, 23, 33, 16, 29, 12, 26,  7, 25], // Sea of Jade 2
    The distances I use.

  6. #46
    StouterTaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashayn View Post
    [     0,  8620, 40800, 21485, 42820, 38060, 44885, 34680, 35680 ],
    [  8620, 61600, 37295, 13900, 37495, 30110, 38635, 26490, 27095 ],
    [ 40800, 37295, 61600, 29090, 20770, 28740, 24170, 32135, 38640 ],
    [ 21485, 13900, 29090, 61600, 25010, 16705, 25190, 17595, 18610 ],
    [ 42820, 37495, 20770, 25010, 63000, 19630,  6150, 30860, 33540 ],
    [ 38060, 30110, 28740, 16705, 19630, 63000, 15840, 13415, 14435 ],
    [ 44885, 38635, 24170, 25190,  6150, 15840, 64400, 28200, 30225 ],
    [ 34680, 26490, 32135, 17595, 30860, 13415, 28200, 65100,  8125 ],
    [ 35680, 27095, 38640, 18610, 33540, 14435, 30225,  8125, 65800 ],
    These are the values I got w/ 5 speed. The time is slighly off the mark for some trips and depending on the speed but it's still better than nothing I guess
    Double checked them, and your first column/row next to last value is off. It should be 34665 instead of 34680.

  7. #47
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    Yup, thanks, you are right, I just checked again

  8. #48
    StouterTaru's Avatar
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    5.3 html version is up, and I cleaned out a lot of junk from it

  9. #49
    MysticSpirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StouterTaru View Post
    5.3 html version is up, and I cleaned out a lot of junk from it
    I made a submarine with 1 speed and calculated the time from it and got this. It might be worth implementing as it is more accurate.

    EDIT: Corrected a value

    EDIT again: Tested it with the formula floor(r * 39.9) for Time to Destination gives exact results for 1 speed, where r is the length between two sectors using their coordinates.

    0	7660	14325	18178	20455	16372	28230	11810	15419	12095	31940	19280	29243	20055	25317	27137	24042	27306	31433	29654	33206	24162	36958	26818	42621	35353	51819	45044	53111	54323	46126
    7660	12600	9918	11453	18650	11495	21671	15900	20809	13589	25108	16123	27944	24105	18905	22294	24844	30031	31052	29181	34556	23029	33053	22035	36421	35887	48252	39398	47982	48596	41855
    14325	9918	12600	7070	11207	7570	16852	14725	19973	11577	18774	8225	18650	21293	12799	13305	20602	26973	22233	23364	29818	19027	24133	16158	28631	31040	38521	31142	39053	40259	32735
    18178	11453	7070	16800	16838	6458	14084	20885	26586	16509	14140	10624	23172	27278	7581	12375	23763	30986	27170	25464	32962	20050	23600	13221	25064	33215	38809	28162	37049	37302	31695
    20455	18650	11207	16838	16800	18288	18392	17286	19485	17687	22658	15162	13112	22017	20345	17045	25464	30419	16383	27666	32945	26304	26000	24155	30518	35096	35985	33011	38891	41031	33156
    16372	11495	7570	6458	18288	21000	20250	17143	23395	11660	18825	6968	22347	22711	10258	12916	17827	25039	25700	20081	27216	13972	22473	10646	27859	27470	38858	29655	38279	39096	31496
    28230	21671	16852	14084	18392	20250	21000	31065	35306	28410	10172	21446	26057	37344	14523	17300	35661	42792	30546	36247	44022	32626	27575	23265	21394	44380	37829	26765	34499	33962	32599
    11810	15900	14725	20885	17286	17143	31065	25200	6433	6232	33027	15540	21341	8538	26033	24263	15805	17804	22233	21652	23716	19007	31499	25064	41149	26807	45044	42177	48851	51234	40647
    15419	20809	19973	26586	19485	23395	35306	6433	29400	12617	38187	21267	23350	8464	31832	29390	20129	19954	23296	25922	26337	24567	36074	31137	46077	30139	48107	47058	53074	55834	44844
    12095	13589	11577	16509	17687	11660	28410	6232	12617	29400	28882	10683	20828	11632	21056	20005	12306	16754	22475	17776	21593	13596	27349	19259	36860	23732	42341	37747	44996	47021	36782
    31940	25108	18774	14140	22658	18825	10172	33027	38187	28882	33600	19420	25564	37999	9142	12298	32837	40665	30020	31752	40283	28553	20331	16881	12619	39623	31692	17709	26544	25549	24693
    19280	16123	8225	10624	15162	6968	21446	15540	21267	10683	19420	33600	15859	19189	11863	9416	14226	21635	19010	15576	22886	12064	17702	10442	26237	23527	33397	27111	34657	36418	27006
    29243	27944	18650	23172	13112	22347	26057	21341	23350	20828	25564	15859	37800	21207	22990	15622	21594	26146	4549	21082	25827	23592	18111	23007	28095	27726	25542	28057	31682	35331	24372
    20055	24105	21293	27278	22017	22711	37344	8538	8464	11632	37999	19189	21207	42000	30919	27388	13246	11904	20411	18837	18025	19161	31675	27986	44102	22071	43826	43962	49469	52615	40413
    25317	18905	12799	7581	20345	10258	14523	26033	31832	21056	9142	11863	22990	30919	42000	8225	24735	32640	27137	24361	32800	19974	18094	8966	18198	32160	33368	20980	30231	30164	25377
    27137	22294	13305	12375	17045	12916	17300	24263	29390	20005	12298	9416	15622	27388	8225	46200	21532	29179	19664	20097	28385	18407	11690	9838	16980	28111	26529	18214	25993	27421	19681
    24042	24844	20602	23763	25464	17827	35661	15805	20129	12306	32837	14226	21594	13246	24735	21532	46200	8064	21862	6809	9759	7120	23259	18562	37049	11427	37848	35812	41794	44542	32248
    27306	30031	26973	30986	30419	25039	42792	17804	19954	16754	40665	21635	26146	11904	32640	29179	8064	50400	25150	12389	7892	14545	30103	26599	44720	11743	43005	43173	48389	51576	38538
    31433	31052	22233	27170	16383	25700	30546	22233	23296	22475	30020	19010	4549	20411	27137	19664	21862	25150	54600	21300	24596	25023	20471	26240	31838	26946	26224	31196	33915	38033	26213
    29654	29181	23364	25464	27666	20081	36247	21652	25922	17776	31752	15576	21082	18837	24361	20097	6809	12389	21300	54600	8796	8081	18511	17007	33668	8147	32635	31429	36666	39650	26840
    33206	34556	29818	32962	32945	27216	44022	23716	26337	21593	40283	22886	25827	18025	32800	28385	9759	7892	24596	8796	58800	14645	26244	25626	42103	4804	37986	39517	43753	47237	33682
    24162	23029	19027	20050	26304	13972	32626	19007	24567	13596	28553	12064	23592	19161	19974	18407	7120	14545	25023	8081	14645	58800	20699	12719	32898	13972	37090	31860	38865	40842	29853
    36958	33053	24133	23600	26000	22473	27575	31499	36074	27349	20331	17702	18111	31675	18094	11690	23259	30103	20471	18511	26244	20699	63000	14662	16735	24829	17449	13580	18554	21532	9544
    26818	22035	16158	13221	24155	10646	23265	25064	31137	19259	16881	10442	23007	27986	8966	9838	18562	26599	26240	17007	25626	12719	14662	63000	21350	24217	31952	21486	30123	30832	23132
    42621	36421	28631	25064	30518	27859	21394	41149	46077	36860	12619	26237	28095	44102	18198	16980	37049	44720	31838	33668	42103	32898	16735	21350	67200	40618	22778	6424	14536	12932	15862
    35353	35887	31040	33215	35096	27470	44380	26807	30139	23732	39623	23527	27726	22071	32160	28111	11427	11743	26946	8147	4804	13972	24829	24217	40618	67200	36969	37616	41877	45129	31878
    51819	48252	38521	38809	35985	38858	37829	45044	48107	42341	31692	33397	25542	43826	33368	26529	37848	43005	26224	32635	37986	37090	17449	31952	22778	36969	71400	18375	12774	18553	10345
    45044	39398	31142	28162	33011	29655	26765	42177	47058	37747	17709	27111	28057	43962	20980	18214	35812	43173	31196	31429	39517	31860	13580	21486	6424	37616	18375	71400	9838	9469	10352
    53111	47982	39053	37049	38891	38279	34499	48851	53074	44996	26544	34657	31682	49469	30231	25993	41794	48389	33915	36666	43753	38865	18554	30123	14536	41877	12774	9838	71400	5799	10103
    54323	48596	40259	37302	41031	39096	33962	51234	55834	47021	25549	36418	35331	52615	30164	27421	44542	51576	38033	39650	47237	40842	21532	30832	12932	45129	18553	9469	5799	71400	14386
    46126	41855	32735	31695	33156	31496	32599	40647	44844	36782	24693	27006	24372	40413	25377	19681	32248	38538	26213	26840	33682	29853	9544	23132	15862	31878	10345	10352	10103	14386	71400
    Last edited by MysticSpirit; 04-18-2021 at 05:19 AM. Reason: There was vaule that was wrong

  10. #50
    AlexanderBlackiris's Avatar
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    Hey, just wondering if there are any plans to update this great tool for 6.1?

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