I know, I know there are like hundreds of these posts... but I need to get this off my chest. So please be nice. I apologize beforehand.
I first started playing FFXIV back when I was in New Zealand, where I had to put up with a lot of latency lag when playing on a NA server. I started off as a Monk and shit was just a bottle of heart cancer with all dem lag... Now I am back in Japan, though the internet is faster here; still can't shrug off the slight latency lag. The only job where I could really perform was with a Bard which does not require a specific combo and no casting (which could possibly kill me). The mobility really helped me come over the latency issues. For example in T13, I have to move a split second earlier before everyone else starts moving to avoid being killed or clipped.
Now with minuet implemented into the playstyle... this pretty much 'ruins' the only aspect the Bard excelled in.
Now you may say, 'Learn to play!', but if I wanted to learn playing a casting class, I'd rather play a BLM. But no, I want to play Bard not a hybrid.. Red Requiem Bard...
I love playing support as Bard, as that mobile Bard that casts Foes+BV at pull for a happy BLM and casting Ballad when healers start screaming MP! I don't want to be in and out casting Minuet, while trying to juggle other songs too. I've heard too many prunes who kept telling me staying in Minuet 100% of the time was the way to go then telling me to uninstall the game when I disagreed.
Now, I don't want to say Minuet was a bad addition, rather a poorly executed addition. Overall, the Bard mechanics were poorly designed in 3.0, there are other ways they could have done this.
For example, instead of having to 'cast' and 'continue singing' Minuet, they could have made it into a one off buff with a cd WITH a downside.
Minuet - 60sec Buff - 2min~Xmin CD
*No additional cast time for skills.
While in Minuet buff, minuet skills are activated. Downside, singing other songs while in Minuet will cancel the buff prematurely.
With this, Bards still maintain their mobility and get a new risk factor. This way you will be able to do a Minuet opener and cast Foes for BLMs too.
Also, gadamnit! What in the world did they do to barrage! They butchered the best CD in the game for Bards! So ok, not only did the Bard get nerfed in the AOE department and no actual BUFFS in a non-minuet playstyle, they decided to 'nerf' Barrage in favor towards Minuet! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ GARRRRRRR!! At least let them crit if your going to do this...! A perfectly timed Barrage, pre-nerf can fit in 4 AA's = shit tons of damage. I understand that Barrage had to be tweaked for Minuet, but you could of simple made the skill effects change WHILE IN MINUET. The whole CD didn't require a change! BRING BACK 2.0 BARRAGE!!!
Not to mention Yoshida personally said that Minuet was not made to be used 100% of the time, which means it's near impossible to get a accurate DPS reading in parses. All those Minuet parses with 900dps on a dummy is bullsh*t, they cannot be accounted for in realistic situations. A Bards dummy parse and actual raid parse in 2.0, ultimately does not differ too much. You will probably get higher 3min DPS parses in raids under certain circumstances. If a 25% increase in damage does 900 dps and you gotta turn that shit off every now and then, realistically you are looking at a massive dps loss. People are even saying Warriors do more dps and pro bards now. W.T.F.(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Same thing with MCH's... now that's another story.
I was really looking forward to playing both MCH and Bard as they share a similar playstyle but slightly different support role. But after playing MCH a lil bit, I was just like... um... wut?