Something that I've noticed while poring over maps of Eorzea (I mean, who doesn't do this in their free time) is that there is a distinctive pattern in place-names associated with Amalj'aa territory. I'm really no great linguist, but the 'a ending to both the name of the beast tribe and the places associated with them (Zanr'ak, Zahar'ak, Paglth'an, and the Yugr'am River) seemed worthy of note. What's the significance of that linguistic quirk, and what's the connection between the name of the Amalj'aa ending in a similar 'aa and the naming of locations? It's clearly not present in all proper nouns in their language, given that names and titles related to role have no ending sound of that type, but place-names and the name of the race aren't quite the same...
Also, is there any linguistic connection between the names of the Amalj'aa and the Mamool Ja? They're obviously two different species from wildly different locations, who have extremely distinct cultures and languages from one another, but the names of both reptilian races ending with the same "ja" seems noteworthy.