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  1. #1
    Lunavi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Luna Nattvind
    Main Class
    Black Mage Lv 80

    The Cult of the Moon looking for members

    Hello there, Lunavi here. I am right now making a FC and I look for members to join it.

    The goal is to create a well functioning FC that focuses on three important goals: Progress, Currency and Community.

    Progress to me and to this FC will be to ensure that both our own players and the server overall progresses in the game. We will help each individual with leveling and grinding gear. We will also if needed cooperate and adept to the servers needs. If there is a lack of something overall on the server we will try our best to fix that. If there is a serious lack of matherials we will gather them, if there is players stuck at low levels we will join them to help them progress.

    The second goal on our agenda is to obtain currency and to do our best to help the server keeping a healthy economy. We as a FC can not do much, but we can do some. So I encourage everyone in our FC to undercut within reason to make sure that the economy doesn't go into the sink. We shall also obtain currency to our FC. This includes but is not limited to: Gil, tomes, seals and shards. This means there might be scheduced grinds of different kind of resources if there is a demand for it.

    The final and most important part of our agenda is the community. With that I do not only talk about our FC. I talk serverwide. Our goal shall be to ensure that all players inside and outside our FC has a great time. We will arrange RPing sessions and events. Some guild exclusive and some that every player can join. We shall also to improve the commnity treat all players with respect, something that I have felt lacks in the game at some points today. Remember that behind every character there is a human being with real emotions and ambitions, enjoy yourself but make sure it is not at the cost of another human being.

    With these three goals I want to improve the gaming experience foremost for us in this FC, but also for the rest of the server. We shall not be of trouble to others if they are not of trouble to us. Ask me for an ingame interview so I can see if you are fit for the FC and what role you are fit to play in the organization that will be The Cult of the Moon. I hope to see some of you in a not to distant future.
    Last edited by Lunavi; 10-04-2013 at 10:02 AM.