So this is player feedback directed towards SE in hopes that they will change their REMA policies down the road. While most of you will not encounter a similar situation, I made the mistake of resetting the quest chain after receiving my statless weapon but prior to receiving the "Serpentking Zahak relief" key item. It was an honest blunder: I took a break from the quest, stashed my weapon away, and reset the chain, believing I was done. To my dismay, I ended up in a limbo state where I had a statless mythic but could not continue without potentially dropping the weapon. Since this happened approximately 3+ months ago when SE closed their in-game GM support services due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the best I could do was file an email support ticket where I asked for a weapon swap or a refund on quest components. Concurrently, I decided to finish a different mythic in hopes that the "Serpentking Zahak relief shard" key item could be used twice; the KI itself is not consumed until resetting the quest chain. Unfortunately, this proved fruitless, as trading the statless weapon to the Seaprince's Tombstone yielded no cutscene: the quest is specifically tied to the vigil weapon that you originally turned in.

Fast forward to last Friday, I had just finished reacquiring all the quest items for a 3rd mythic thanks to help of some close friends. After dropping my original statless mythic and taking some screenshots for timestamps, I finished my original intent, sent another support ticket email to update my situation, and requested a different mythic weapon. To my surprise, I received a response days later stating the GM services were now available again and to contact an in-game GM for assistance. After speaking with multiple GM's, I received -- more or less -- the same answers:
  • Your request is outside the GM teams' scope and services
  • We cannot exchange your statless weapon for a completed one
  • We cannot refund any of your quest components
  • We cannot item restore the statless mythic that you just dropped
While you probably cannot hold two same-name mythics due to the Rare tag, I was just trying to get something for my mannequin at this point. Moreover, I could understand why SE does not like resetting quest data or how weapon exchanges/refunds could be abused, but there is no purpose for a statless mythic once the quest chain has been reset. Heck, there are even ways you can hard lock yourself out of a mythic forever:
After this whole ordeal, I am tired of being passed between email agents and in-game GM's, being told to seek assistance from other players or websites as a default response, and dealing with SE's policies in general. I have sought out numerous veteran players on the matter, and from what I was told, I narrowly disqualified myself from the no-reset safeguard by not turning in the "Serpentking Zahak relief" items first. A shoutout goes to [GM]Ranisseile and [GM]Unurlotho for their candid responses, and in the event a SE employee is reading and can lobby any real recourse or compensation, my SE Support Center ticket is [t13264600:a08f]; you can find my character name/info there. (I am posting on a mule since I want some discretion regarding the matter.)

Thanks for reading.
[/end rant]