Thank you. This is wonderful news. The one thing I'm curious about, though, is that the rest of your post leaves it somewhat unclear; while their timers will be separated, is it safe to assume the effects themselves won't be able to be used simultaneously? By this I mean, for example, a warrior activating both mighty strikes and the new ability and having both effects active at the same time. I would assume each would either overwrite, or preferably, block the use of the other until the duration of the first is complete, or perhaps you intend to allow this, which case, I have no real problem with it. Even if you're undecided on this, it would be nice to know which option you're leaning towards.
This is also wonderful news, but another matter of clarity, are you referring to the recast timer for both existing and new 2hours, or only the new ones? The clarity here also extends to the merits (ie: reducing both new and old to 1 hour, but only allowing the new abilities to be reduced to 30 minutes)
Please, please, please, do not reduce the effects of any ability unless it is absolutely necessary. The majority of the existing 2hours would would not warrant a reduction in strength even with a 30 minute recast time, or still warrant a significant increase in strength. Many of the current 2hours have had their usefulness greatly reduced due to the level cap increase (ex: Familiar, Benediction), or were simply not strong enough (ex: Overdrive) or inherently flawed (ex: Eagle Eye Shot... Why in the world should a 1-time-use 2 Hour recast ability miss?) to begin with. At most, if you have to reduce any of the abilities, I think the only acceptable targets would be the ones with very long durations; Soul Voice, Astral Flow, Familiar, and Tabula Rasa, and the only acceptable change would be a small reduction in duration. No one would be happy about this change, but if done reasonably, I think most of us would prefer this over any real changes to the effects of the stronger 2hours. PLEASE do not go in with the mindset that "we'll need to weaken them if we reduce the timer" go in thinking "Let's reduce the timer without reducing the effects at all initially, and if it turns out that this is too strong, then we can look at reducing the effects."
I'm hesitantly optimistic, based on the fact that this post exists for me to respond to at all. As for Perfect Defense and Embrava, please consider something important about those abilities; Perfect Defense is the only bloodpact that makes Astral Flow worthwhile right now, and Embrava is the only thing that gets sch's invited to anything in the first place. You can't weaken these two abilities without strengthening the rest of their respective abilities. If you weaken PD, the other astral flow abilities will need to see their potency greatly increased, and smn would probably need a bit more love. If you weaken embrava, not so much tabula rasa, but the sch job as a whole will need some serious gains to continue being invited by other players. In fact, in my own opinion, bettering the entire smn and sch jobs at the cost of reducing the potency of Perfect Defense and Embrava seems like the ideal result.
Honestly, I'm happy that it's been delayed. I was seriously worried that the new 2hours would get rushed and added to the live server after being barely tweaked and never touched again.
Unless they removed them, or nerfed them to like 1 Regain, 5% Haste and 10 Regen that isn't going to happen.
They were overpowered before, reducing the timer to 30 minutes though will just show how over-powered they are.
COR 2hr - Random, not worth relying on.
MMM - Requires everyone to have said runes etc.... Not likely.
Resheph - Fine!
besieged - Random as hell when it happens.
ISL chests - Unless you have a party in Abyssea, I sincerely doubt people will go build up lights and far them after EACH nyzul isle/event.
Limbus Chests - Yeah, not happening.
So in all you have MMM, COR and Reseph as probabilities with only two being a guarantee.
You're still being illogical. The only 30min+ event that exists currently and doesn't have either constant 2hr resets or a ??? to lock your 2 hour on is dynamis currency farming and I will admit a dynamis with ~50 minutes of embrava would be nice and yield more currency but it's far from "SEVERELY BROKEN!!". I would be more worried about beastmasters with full time familiar in dynamis though =P. All other events would be unaffected.
↓ Trolling sapling ↓
You have no idea how MMM works, do you?MMM - Requires everyone to have said runes etc.... Not likely.
Cor 2hr - That's why you see shouts offering a reward, you do that until you find someone who sets your parties 2hr.
MMM - It requires 1 person to have said runes, also the party can copy that tabula as many times as they want, and there's pretty much always already one up to copy at Duplidox anyway.
Resheph/Awahondo - 1 Pop, no waiting, that's what we always do before Provenance Watcher.
ISL Chests - You just go ask a party that's already got lights (pay them) for an isl chest, they're usually pretty happy, besides, not like it takes long to build azure, just go to anywhere where there's 100% x 16 azure mobs.
Limbus Chests - Point is, SCH/Smn already get multi 2hrs there, though this old content is so easy to lowman now nobody cares about balancing it, it's cake without any 2hrs.
MMM If only, Phoenix never has any. Though I'll be honest, forgot you could copy them.
I agreed with Reseph ... as for others, meh!
Like I said, EMBRAVA was OVER-POWERED before. Regardless the means, I'm just glad it's being nerfed, same with PD, though to a lesser level.
People don't want it nerfed the same reason they hated moving away from Abyssea.
Last edited by Daniel_Hatcher; 09-06-2012 at 07:41 AM.
No it's impossible w/e you invent. It can hit the I kill you button anytime.
For instance dynamis rupture : very large aoe kcnock back high damage, instant casting aga3 and 4 and all aoe debuff( sleepga, silencga, breakga) which he spams. Oblivion smash puts your ally at half HP, and it's likely to chain it with an aga spell, so if it does it you are likely dead, if not, you have silence,bind, paralyze on. When he split, he does rupture or oblivion which kills everyone regardless.
I've seen ADL instant wipe us even with PD on. When it quadruple splits (<20% hp), it does a synch dynamis implosionx4, each doing 600 dmg while PD is up, his aga 4 1k with shellraV etc.
Last edited by MarkovChain; 09-06-2012 at 08:02 AM.
Ultimate DPS simulator
probably doable with a full party of SMNs doing a stunlock rotation with shock squall, but risky as a single dynamis implosion will end the fight.
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