Good day!
I've been musing on REMA weapons/weaponskills, and just had some changes I think would be great improvements:
1. Ukko's Fury - this ws gets a lot of flack for being sub-par (in general, Great Axe has always felt like it could benefit from some changes) and sort of holding back the potential of Ukkonvasara. Ukko's getting either a different mod or the aftermath on ukkonvasara getting a tweak could really thrust it ahead, considering how time consuming and expensive it can be to make one, i'd say it deserves it.
2. Metatron Torment/ Bravura: Metatron is a decent weaponskill. However, it could be better. One suggestion I think would immediately make the whole thing so much more useful is to fix the defence down effect on Metatron Torment so that it actually lands on bosses and other content. It's very noticeable when I use it on locus bats and things like that, but on anything you'd really want it on, it never seems to do anything. I can clearly see this when I go from unbuffed hits on locus mobs - suppose I was hitting for 1,000 dmg - after metatron, I'd be hitting in the 1,200 range or close to it, and weaponskill numbers similarly go up in an obvious and consistent way. improving THAT effect alone would make Bravura a very valuable tool for flooring enemy defence and benefit the entire party in some situations. The evasion down proc could be a bit more consistent, and yeah, MT itself could stand to be even 50% stronger overall. But even just that change to the def down effect (and maybe just making it a stronger full break effect - def/att/eva down all in one - would be AMAZING coupled with the -20% dt).
However because -damage taken gear is now so easy to come across for WAR and -50% is easy to hit, one additional change to make it even better would be if it were simply changed to '-20% damage taken II" - thereby allowing for breaking the -dmg taken cap and making Bravura into a VERY nice solo weapon for fighting hard-hitting things.
Finally, I think 15 hp/tick regen is fine but on current era content, it makes absolutely zero difference - it certainly is no Catastrophe, in terms of lending survivability. Maybe AMI = 15, AMII = 30 and AMIII= 50 hp/tick would be *actually* noticeable in a fight? Or, at least make it apply to the whole party. Now, 50hp/tick SOUNDS broken, but when you're fighting something that's hitting you for 200-300 damage every few seconds and doing spike damage for 1,000 to 2,000 damage even with a -dt set, it doesn't seem like it'd break anything to do it. I've just NEVER been in any situation where that tiny 15hp/tick blip made the difference between life and death. So, it COUlD stand to be more potent. Even if the weaponskill got no power boost, stronger regen in combination with a more broadly useuful / potent debuff effect when using metatron would really make the entire weapon SO much more useful even even it might fall behind the likes of Chango in raw damage even with a moderate boost to Metatron Torment. It'd still be immensely useful to see it gimp some of the boss content a bit (even more so if it lowered attack and defence at the same time or at least lowered defence and evasion) and allow for a BIT more survivability through stronger regen (50hp/tick would only be 1,000 HP per minute - which is not going to overshadow Catastrophe, which you can spam ad nauseum - but 300 hp/minute - what we currently have - is even more meaningless - that's one hit from many stronger foes while an extra 1,000 / minute would maybe allow you to take some demand off of the mages at a level it COULD spare you death in a tight situation....especially if either metatron lowered attack significantly - 18.5% would be crazy - or the aftermath broke the dmg taken cap).
But, I'd take JUST a stronger regen and more reliable def/eva down on more than just exp fodder mobs.
3. Aegis' afterglow. Simply put, the cost to reward ratio to afterglow the shield is VERY skewed and NOBODY sane would ever do it given the cost for what is a pretty meaningless reward. The obvious solution here is to just vastly lower the afterglow cost to a sane level. Maybe just let us do it at the same cost (plutons/beitetsu) that we do to go from 119 (I) to 119 (III) with other weapons via Oboro.
Aegis would also massively gain from HAVING a 119 iteration with *shield skill* on it. Not sure why this is the case.
Side note, but always thought it was a shame there was no Omnislash weaponskill addedi mean, we got Death penalty (gun) and Final Heaven and knights of the round and Catastrophe (ws), but no Omnislash!
Great Sword, WAR/DRK would seem about right, though of course if it were 15 hits as in FFVII, that'd be ludicrous, but hey, maybe VII hits
Suppose it's too late in the game's lifespan for that, though. I guess knowing SE they'd just hide it behind some crazy hard to get weapon, though.