My playonline screen is black with music playing whenever I load the game up from steam. Whenever I try to click into playonline from the task bar I'm unable to go into it and I see a black screen in the preview
My playonline screen is black with music playing whenever I load the game up from steam. Whenever I try to click into playonline from the task bar I'm unable to go into it and I see a black screen in the preview
Good morning and thank you for posting in the Final Fantasy XI Technical Forums.
We recommend installing the PlayOnline Viewer from the official website rather than any other method such as Steam. If you were unable to download the PlayOnline Viewer, you may do so using the provided link below:
Once you have completed the download and installation, please refer to the following link for instructions on how to login and connect to FINAL FANTASY XI:
Additionally, certain legacy drivers must be enabled on your PC for it to start correctly. Please use the following steps to enable these drivers:
-Open the Control Panel
-Open 'Programs'
-Select 'Programs and Options'
-Select 'Turn Windows Features On or Off'
-Open 'Legacy Components'
-Check 'DirectPlay'
-Please relaunch the PlayOnline Viewer after this option has been enabled
Thank you for visiting the Final Fantasy XI Technical Support Forums!
Its been working fine this whole time. Your saying I need to manually reinstall the whole game? I can't even remember by playonline password.
My directplay is on.
By doing this reinstall will I lose the macros I saved to the server?
Of course not. its saved on the server and tied to your account. As long as you install to the same location you shouldn't even have to do that, technically.
That being said, its possible that corrupted files could cause this problem, so it might be a good idea to back up and then delete your user data from the game folder (after uninstalling, go into the install folder and delete everything that remains)
Good morning! Thank you for posting in the Final Fantasy XI Technical Support Forums.
Unfortunately if you would like assistance with recovery of a PlayOnline Password, we are not able to assist within the Technical Support Forums. As the account in question is North American in region, we advise to contact the North American Support Center. This thread will be moved to the 'Separate Support Required’ subforum as contact with the Square Enix Support Center is necessary to resolve the issue.
This thread will be moved to ‘Separate Support Required’, thank you once again for visiting the Final Fantasy XI Technical Support Forums!
© SQUARE ENIX FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Vana'diel , Tetra Master, PLAYONLINE, the PLAYONLINE logo, Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urhgan, and Wings of the Goddess are registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. The rating icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Online play requires internet connection. |