Greetings, I was doing the Quest Land of Sacred Serpents and upon arriving in Aht Urhgan, The guide I was using said " It is suggested to immediately buy the map from the map vendor Riyadahf, who is north of where you enter Aht Urhgan. " An it seems like I can't buy ANY maps at all. An according to the Guide, Wiki whatever you care to call it, I should be able to. "As of the December 10, 2014 Version Update, it is now possible to buy all maps with gil at map vendors (maps in Abyssea and Seekers of Adoulin are bought with Cruor and Bayld, respectively). To purchase all of the maps will cost 199,400 gil. To omit the three Shadowreign zone maps will cost only 109,400 gil." That is from
Now I would like to know why I can't buy maps from Riyadahf or from " As for the maps, you want to just unity warp to Batallia downs which drops you right outside upper Jeuno. Go into the first store on the left as you walk in and there's an NPC tarutaru that'll sell you pretty much every map in the game. Buy them as you need."
I mean every quest or Mission I want to do it sends me to a New Zone and no map. So Please explain to me how this game has been out so long and there is still issues. That require us to post on this forum instead of ACTUALLY assisting us.