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  1. #21
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    So please tell me where you're getting this information.
    Sorry, just realized I never answered your question! Silly me.

    If you click on Forum Top on the top left of this page, it will take you to the "top" of these forums where you can find an index of all of the various forums. Down the right side of that page is a Dev Tracker. A Dev Tracker is a list of forum posts from the "Devs", or people representing the developers of the game. Posts from developers are one of very few sources of official information about this game, another being As my writing this, the bottom entry in that Dev Tracker is a link to a post titled "Announcing the January Version Update". That post is the source of the information that this entire thread is based on.

    Remember: if somebody, especially multiple other people, seem to have new information about FFXI that you are missing, its best to check for information from the devs that you may have missed, instead of just assuming that people are making things up or jumping to conclusions. The Dev Tracker and are the two best places for this.
    It's your server.

  2. #22
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final_Farcity View Post

    How many of us would welcome going back to the 75 cap? What I mean is this, XI will go back to the lvl 75 cap and all the content will be scaled down as such.
    Sounds like it wouldn't solve any problems, just keep the same problems with a lower number.
    It's your server.

  3. #23
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catmato View Post
    Sorry, just realized I never answered your question! Silly me.

    If you click on Forum Top on the top left of this page, it will take you to the "top" of these forums where you can find an index of all of the various forums. Down the right side of that page is a Dev Tracker. A Dev Tracker is a list of forum posts from the "Devs", or people representing the developers of the game. Posts from developers are one of very few sources of official information about this game, another being As my writing this, the bottom entry in that Dev Tracker is a link to a post titled "Announcing the January Version Update". That post is the source of the information that this entire thread is based on.

    Remember: if somebody, especially multiple other people, seem to have new information about FFXI that you are missing, its best to check for information from the devs that you may have missed, instead of just assuming that people are making things up or jumping to conclusions. The Dev Tracker and are the two best places for this.
    This had already been addressed by others before you replied. Just FYI.

  4. #24
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Perhaps, more proof the level cap should not have been raised.
    No. The level cap should have been raised SOONER, so that people didn't get so accustomed to things staying the same way for so long. Perhaps it could have been implemented more the way things like Job Points and Master Levels were so that huge amounts of new gear didn't end up being so necessary (but we still need new things to chase after or people will get bored, so... I don't know).

    MMOs necessitate change and evolution over time. Virtually all other MMOs do things like raise the level cap. If the level cap had risen in every expansion, like every other MMO, frankly I think it the game would not have stagnated when it did. Although I still attribute a large part of this to Abyssea being a power playground that got in the way of future content being able to thrill players. A lot of people talk about the level cap but I think that was just one factor of many, and a fairly small one at that.

    If we were still 75 today, and all of our power came from gear, equipment itself would have to become ridiculous by this point, as there's only so many ways you can sidegrade everything before it becomes impossible to tell what will augment your job and what won't.

    Which is one of the biggest problems with the system some veterans seem to cherish so much- sure, collecting lots of gear to enhance different things is fun, but it's also overtly complicated and for MMO players today, nobody really has any idea what items to prioritize and what will do them the most good, etc. It's easy to just look at some numbers and see "these numbers are bigger so it must be better," versus "do I want store TP? do I want subtle blow? do I want TP bonus? What does "enhances <thing> mean?" There's so many variables it confuses a lot of people who haven't been here since the beginning. And I don't mean to imply that the depth of the gear and combat system is just a bad thing, it's not. But it is definitely the biggest thing that puts off new players and makes it difficult for players who quit long ago to return. Many popular MMOs don't even let you change gear in combat, so without someone telling them, some people may not even know to do that (the game itself doesn't tell you....). This isn't a problem for me or you, but it's a problem for anyone who isn't a current player.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-16-2025 at 01:28 PM.

  5. #25
    Player Marthius's Avatar
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    "Hello, Marthius here, long time reader, first time replier!"

    Personally, and I remember it being the case for many others, the level cap raise wasn't as much of a problem as removing the cap from certain (CoP missions) areas, missions and battlefields that I found to be sad at the time. I didn't like that all the tough (and annoying) CoP missions were suddenly going to be super easy for everyone, when I (and many others) had to struggle for months and sometimes years to just beat them. One fight especially, CoP 6-4, where I had been stuck with about 0/60 tries was suddenly going to become incredibly easy to beat. Luckily I somehow beat it with a PuG about a week before the uncap.
    Abyssea I think was also fine, but many seemed to hate the idea of SMN burns which was suddenly a popular way to go from 1-75+ and worm parties which were braindead.

    But in hindsight, having level caps of 30, 50 and 60 for important missions was kinda stupid, especially since all of them required teamwork, the right gear and items and time to do. So it was nice that they removed the level cap on them.

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