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  1. #1
    Player Thekai's Avatar
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    Dear Square Enix, RE: The February Update and Removal of 75 Limbus

    Dear Square Enix,

    I wasn't sure where else to post this in hopes that Yoji_Fujito or someone else with Square Enix would see this, but I hope this is a good place. Let me begin by saying that you for your continued effort and investment into FFXI. You passion is clear by the way you manage the game and engage with the player community. That passion is also evident in the way you have consistently innovated to keep the game fresh and lively. It is clear that the people working on the game really love the game.

    My brother and I have also loved this game for a long time. We began playing right after the release of Chains of Promathia. At the time, there was nothing like it, and it blew our minds. We absolutely loved the game and specifically the CoP content. One of my fondest memories of my teenage years was watching my brother solo Apollyon NW on Black Mage on the Bahamut server. My brother and I went through a lot together when we were kids, and FFXI and content like Limbus really gave us something special to bond over. Not long after the release of Wings of the Goddess, my brother and I went off to college at opposite ends of the country and grew apart a bit for those years.

    When the pandemic hit, he and I decided to play FFXI again. We created characters on Asura, and it was just like old times. We have had numerous adventures and special moments since rejoining, but still, even today, we will level sync down to 75 and I'll watch him solo Apollyon NW, just like old times. There may not be many of us, but we are in a 75-content linkshell on Asura, and we also run Limbus, Sea NMs, and other 75 content with them.

    So much of this game is special to us, but one of the most special is the level 75 Limbus content. I know the development team is passionate about this game, and we are excited for the new Limbus and sea content. Though we are saddened to hear that 75 Limbus will be removed, we understand why it is being done. We only hope that you will please reconsider the approach to remove 75 Limbus and rather add the new content as an additional zone. This way, we could enjoy the new content while still being able to level sync and run the original Limbus that has been the source for so many memories.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    They announced a refresh for Limbus, but I don't recall it being stated anywhere that the existing content was to be removed.

    Regardless, the content is pretty meaningless and trivial right now unless you deliberately limit yourself to being lv75, and I think it's for the better that things like proto-omega aren't a joke that can be deleted in seconds.

    As it stands, there aren't any plans to go beyond level 119, so just look at it as the new 75. We've been in i119 for a very long time now, comparable to how long the game was at lv75. (Okay, there's master levels, but those aren't all that dramatic).

  3. #3
    Player Thekai's Avatar
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    I understand what you're saying, and I appreciate the feedback and response. I suppose the message I was trying to convey was that there are some of us, albeit small, who like to level sync old content for nostalgia's sake. Even though there's not really a "reward" for doing so, there's something fun about kiting the dragon or behemoth in Apollyon Northwest while a black mage nukes it down. It's just a different style of play that isn't really in the 119 era, and it is reminiscent of a time that means a lot to us. I appreciate your insight, and I agree. I just hope the ability to level sync and run the current version won't be completely removed.

  4. #4
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekai View Post
    I understand what you're saying, and I appreciate the feedback and response. I suppose the message I was trying to convey was that there are some of us, albeit small, who like to level sync old content for nostalgia's sake. Even though there's not really a "reward" for doing so, there's something fun about kiting the dragon or behemoth in Apollyon Northwest while a black mage nukes it down. It's just a different style of play that isn't really in the 119 era, and it is reminiscent of a time that means a lot to us. I appreciate your insight, and I agree. I just hope the ability to level sync and run the current version won't be completely removed.
    Like I said, quote where they said that the limbus update would entirely replace the original content. They generally have not done this.

  5. #5
    Player Thekai's Avatar
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    I agree that you're very likely correct. I suppose the thing that gave me pause was the statement "major changes to the content structure." The post seemed ambiguous to me about the continuity of the 75 content, although, I agree it would be a first for them to completely remove it.

  6. #6
    Player Dragoy's Avatar
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    Well, Dynamis as it was is no longer available either, and the wording in the update notes [1] is quite ambiguous. I haven't watched the stream yet where they talked about it, but my first though was also that they'd be making permanent changes to Limbus as we know it.

    ...or so the legend says.

  7. #7
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Well, Dynamis as it was is no longer available either, and the wording in the update notes [1] is quite ambiguous.
    Original dynamis was revised ages ago, in fact when many old schoolers were still playing. And while it was changed, it's still level 75 content. and remains available to this day despite a high level version now also existing.

    I don't know of any content that was simply replaced straight up with a high level version, with the low level version no longer playable at all.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-11-2025 at 03:03 PM.

  8. #8
    Player Stuzey's Avatar
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    Original Limbus has ROE objectives assigned to it, so I doubt they would change it too much, as Alhanelem said, they generally add new versions on top of old.

    75 Limbus was great fun solo or low man, BLM ruled one of the zones (I forget which)

  9. #9
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    Like I said, quote where they said that the limbus update would entirely replace the original content. They generally have not done this.
    They haven't stated that they would, but they've also never temporarily removed content for months before. This is absolutely uncharted territory for SE, and I can't see why they'd have to temporarily remove current content if they were just going to put it back the same way when they were done.
    It's your server.

  10. #10
    Player Dragoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catmato View Post
    They haven't stated that they would, but they've also never temporarily removed content for months before. This is absolutely uncharted territory for SE, and I can't see why they'd have to temporarily remove current content if they were just going to put it back the same way when they were done.
    Indeed, and they also mentioned that "you will no longer need ancient beastcoins or items to take on Limbus", which further makes me lean towards thinking they are indeed changing the old as well.
    ...or so the legend says.

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