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  1. #11
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catmato View Post
    They haven't stated that they would, but they've also never temporarily removed content for months before. This is absolutely uncharted territory for SE, and I can't see why they'd have to temporarily remove current content if they were just going to put it back the same way when they were done.
    I don't see anything about "temporarily" removing content either. The development build is seperate from the live one, and you don't need to disable or remove anything in order to work on it. Where are you getting this stuff?

    All they ever said about Limbus that I can find is:

    Quote Originally Posted by New Year's News Post
    Continuing on this path, we are considering implementing item level support for Besieged and also refreshing the Limbus area as well, so we'll be following up with more updates once they're available.
    It says nothing about "disabling" it, removing it, or anything similar to that. So please tell me where you're getting this information.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-12-2025 at 03:48 AM.

  2. #12
    Player Dragoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    I don't see anything about "temporarily" removing content either. The development build is seperate from the live one, and you don't need to disable or remove anything in order to work on it. Where are you getting this stuff?

    All they ever said about Limbus that I can find is:

    It says nothing about "disabling" it, removing it, or anything similar to that. So please tell me where you're getting this information.
    It's in the latest version update notes at the time of writing, here:

    Announcing the January Version Update
    ...or so the legend says.

  3. #13
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Oh. That's very different, and I legitimately never got around to reading that post.

    I understand where the concerns are coming from now lol.

    It sounds like they're updating the entirety of Sea to be current-level content.

    Which is a potential problem if for no other reason than Absolute Virtue. Will it become impossible again?

    Thing is, the items it drops are very obtainable and have been for a while, so changing the Virtues to be current level content would suddenly make those items a lot harder to access. So.... I'd certainly hope that you'd still be able to spawn the original versions of these fights because that would be honestly unfair, regardless of " nostalgia" or anything like that.

    I fully support making the classic endgame areas max-level content again, however the original fights still need to be accessible; and in particular you can't change the monsters in the palace, because it would make completing the CoP missions an absolute nightmare. I can only hope they're taking this stuff into account.

    So I actually agree with you all now that there are some questions they need to answer. This is a simultaneously exciting and concerning development.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-12-2025 at 07:07 AM.

  4. #14
    Player Dragoy's Avatar
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    Limbus is not connected to Absolute Virtue or the Chains of Pormathia missions though, thankfully, so those parts should stay as they are.
    ...or so the legend says.

  5. #15
    Player Zenion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragoy View Post
    Limbus is not connected to Absolute Virtue or the Chains of Pormathia missions though, thankfully, so those parts should stay as they are.
    I'd like to think they won't - Absolute Virtue is probably not being touched, there's already a level 150 version elsewhere - but I kind of worry that the Promathia missions will be collateral damage here. Considering

    In order to adapt the area commonly referred to as the "Sea" to everyone's current level, we will be making some major changes to the content structure and also the monsters that appear within it.
    it sounds like that's at least the whole outdoor area. Which is going to make at least one mission a lot harder since it involves running around to points in the zone to pop and fight NMs...

    While it's nice to see more of the world adapted to item level play, I do find it a bit worrisome when older areas just get overwritten like that. It creates weird potential problems, like the Hakutaku eye thing when Ranperre's Tomb became the exemplar bot playground. Sure, that may not be relevant content to endgame players now, but if we've decided that means we don't want to care about it existing, why not just start characters off at level 99 and do away with lower level content entirely.

  6. #16
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragoy View Post
    Limbus is not connected to Absolute Virtue or the Chains of Pormathia missions though, thankfully, so those parts should stay as they are.
    The post mentions increasing the level of monsters in Sea as well, not just in Limbus. Whether that's just certain clumps of regular monsters or everything is unclear.

  7. #17
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    Oh. That's very different, and I legitimately never got around to reading that post.
    No offense, but maybe you should have done that BEFORE you started arguing with people.
    It's your server.

  8. #18
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catmato View Post
    No offense, but maybe you should have done that BEFORE you started arguing with people.
    Offense taken. I read a different announcement in a different location, and there was nothing to tell me that this one existed other than a yellow icon in the forum index in a forum I don't usually click on (because it gets linked to on the main page instead). It's not reasonable to fault me for that. That information should have been included everywhere this was mentioned.

    Also the conversation continued normally without anyone else caring, so why did you feel the need to post this to distract from that?

  9. 01-13-2025 11:17 PM

  10. #19
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    Perhaps, more proof the level cap should not have been raised. XI's direction shifted towards grindy content. Granted, mmo in general are a grind, but the devs are now partaking in the grind themselves, trying to keep up with the grind they perhaps should not have created......

    How many of us would welcome going back to the 75 cap? What I mean is this, XI will go back to the lvl 75 cap and all the content will be scaled down as such. As much as I like 75, that would severely impact the solo-ablity of XI.......

  11. #20
    Player Zenion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final_Farcity View Post
    Perhaps, more proof the level cap should not have been raised. XI's direction shifted towards grindy content. Granted, mmo in general are a grind, but the devs are now partaking in the grind themselves, trying to keep up with the grind they perhaps should not have created......

    How many of us would welcome going back to the 75 cap? What I mean is this, XI will go back to the lvl 75 cap and all the content will be scaled down as such. As much as I like 75, that would severely impact the solo-ablity of XI.......
    Wow, yeah. I remember how famously not-grindy 75 era was. Like, you were never expected to spend months doing experience points parties for a single job, or literal years to receive a single piece of gear... nope, good ol' do it all in an afternoon 75 cap Final Fantasy XI, where anything you felt like doing was over and done in an afternoon.

    Aside from master levels - which seem like a direct response to people whining about how much they miss the old exp party days, without understanding that players actively continue to not just form exp parties now because they're slow and inefficient - the worst grinds in the game are still legacy content. 30000 alexandrite, seriously - nobody's doing that, no matter how easy Salvage might be now. Dynamis coins, still terrible even with occasional 100 piece drops. Imagine doing skillups without Ionis, skillup food, and a practically unkillable mob that can only hurt you with poison to hammer on; I still remember stealth missions to shadowreign Castle Zvahl to set up overnight autoattacking the fortilaces, it was miserable.

    If you scale everything back down to 75, now you have all that same horrible grind, only you need an alliance to all waste their time for one person to clear it. Nah, I don't fancy being number 18 on the waitlist for a piece of gear when numbers 1 through 8 all decide to say "screw you, got mine" and quit when they get tired of supporting the group after they got their stuff.

    I kind of hope they do make a legacy 75 cap server so everyone can hop on that and be reminded that the game sucked back then, what was good was the community, and that's mostly moved on. Enjoy sitting in Kazham for three months straight because there aren't enough people looking for an experience party in the jungle for you to make level 27 Warrior and start unlocking your advanced jobs.

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