Character Name: Luministia
World: Asura
Prize: Ark Angel GK Statue
"You shall be smothered by the arrogance that consumes you..."
Character Name: Luministia
World: Asura
Prize: Ark Angel GK Statue
"You shall be smothered by the arrogance that consumes you..."
Prize: Ark Angel HM Statue
Local Trust forced to listen to excitable newbie ramble on and on about how cool Ark Angel HM is. (Luckily, his patience knows no bounds.)
Prize: Ark Angel MR Statue
Ark Angels have only one choice of what to do in this situation...
Prize: Ark Angel MR Statue
Hanging out with my crab friend in my AA armor!
Prize: Ark Angel TT Statue
"You shall be consumed by the cowardice that binds you..."
Prize: Ark Angel TT Statue
"You shall be consumed by the cowardice that binds you..."
(Apologies, the previous version didn't upload correctly for some reason. I'm not sure why.)
Prize: Ark Angel TT Statue
(Galkas need friends too)
Prize: Ark Angel EV Statue
"You will go no further!"
Character name: Winsturn
Prize : Ark Angel MR Statue
Back in Vanadiel to celebrate an Ark Angel themed Xmas.
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