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  1. #1
    Player Pikiki's Avatar
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    BLU Lv 99

    Seeing a better mix of Enmity on RUN?

    This will be my first post on gear/jobs on here so please lets not be hostile.

    After doing alot of digging and yes I know there will be backlash posts on this as "every job has its own thing". PLD and RUN are the two "Main tank" classes in the game. My buddy mains PLD(with Burtgang) and in his Enmity set he's sitting at 131 Enmity w/o his Burtgang on. I main RUN sitting at 95 Enmity without Epio, now again the jobs differ and RUN leans on Light Armor as to PLD leaning on heavier armor. My point to this topic is less on the "Armor" and more on the "Accessories". It would be nice to see RUN have access to stuff like the Apeile Ring.

    This is more or less to see others input into this, and maybe bring it to a DEV's attention, but the sheer gap in Enmity at this stage in the game without being completely BiS is huge between the 2 "Tank" classes.

  2. #2
    Player Sp1cyryan's Avatar
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    First off, in general, don't think in terms of BiS, as that's pretty silly.

    Second, RUN gets more enmity abilities and foil. Having lesser enmity gear isn't a problem. Especially now that empy +2 legs and feet exist. Holding hate in RUN is up to how well the RUN understands what they are doing. Which is generally the biggest issue for them as they don't understand managing enmity bleed that PLD doesn't experience as much of.

  3. #3
    Player Pikiki's Avatar
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    I only used that term because for Emnity there is certain pieces to strive for unlike with most other things. As to hate control I understand RUN has more access to generation then PLD does. As I said in the original post it would be nice to see more variety to the Accessories bit for RUN to play with then a whole 2 rings and earrings.