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  1. #1
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  2. #2
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    • A new entry has been added to The Voracious Resurgence.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	01.jpg
Views:	200
Size:	90.3 KB
ID:	13472
      • To accept the quest, interact with the Glowing Hearth in Eastern Adoulin (H-6) after having completed the quest Phantasmic Heroes
    • A new area has been added.
      The Silver Knife
    • Records of Eminence has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
      • The monthly Records of Eminence objectives have been swapped out.
    • A new designation has been added.
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  3. #3
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    • Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
      • The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
        * As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	02.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	87.2 KB
ID:	13473
    • Intense Amubscades have undergone the following adjustments.
      • The Bozzetto Retributionist now resists multiple hits from Blood Pacts while Blood Weapon is active.
      • The number of status ailments required for the Bozzetto Charger to activate Grace of Hera have been reduced per difficulty level as given below.
        • Very Difficult: From 5 to 3.
        • Difficult: From 4 to 2.
        • Normal: From 3 to 2.
        • Easy: From 2 to 1.
    • Normal Ambuscades have undergone the following adjustments.
      • Alluttu’s HP has been decreased by approximately 10%.
      • On normal difficulty or lower, the time it takes for Alluttu’s heads to respawn has been adjusted as follows.
        • From one head to two heads: Increased from 30s to 45s.
        • From two heads to three heads: Increased from 60s to 90s.
    • Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
    • Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
    • Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
    • Level adjustments have been abolished in King Ranperre’s Tomb.
    • Monster spawn locations have been adjusted in the following areas.
      Crawler’s Nest [S] / King Ranperre’s Tomb
    • Individual training pages 6-8 of the Grounds Tome in King Ranperre’s Tomb have been removed.
      * In line with this adjustment, players currently undertaking individual training pages 6-8 will be unable to progress. These objectives can be canceled by changing areas.
    • The amount of exemplar points and capacity points earned from Locus monsters in the following areas have been increased.
      Crawler’s Nest [S] / Bhaflau Thickets / King Ranperre’s Tomb
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  4. #4
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    • New items have been added.
    • New synthesis recipes have been added.
    • A new synergy recipe has been added.
      <<Required Rank: Amateur>>
      Synthesis Skill
      Denim Pants +1Denim Pants, Denim Pants
    • A new storage slip has been added.
      • Storage Slip 29
        This storage slip can store item level 119+2 Empyrean equipment.
    • The following items are storable via the Porter Moogle.
      • Storage Slip 22
        Morbol Apron / Denim Pants / Denim Pants +1
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  5. #5
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    • As compensation for the issue wherein players would lose Ra’Kaznar sapphires and gallimaufry, eligible players will be compensation with one Ra’Kaznar sapphire and 10,000 gallimaufry.
      Characters who meet the following eligibility requirements may claim compensation one time only by speaking with the relevant NPC.
      • Requirements
        • 45 days or more have passed since characters creation
        • Be in possession of a Ruspix’s plate prior to the September 2022 version update maintenance.
        • Have less than 90,000 gallimaufry
          * Players will be unable to claim their compensation of doing so would cause them to exceed the gallimaufry cap. Players who would reach the cap are advised to first spend some gallimaufry before attempting to receive their compensation.
          * Players are also unable to claim compensation if their inventory is full. Make sure you have free space in your inventory before speaking to the NPC.
      • Applicable NPC
        Ruspix in Leafallia (H-8).
      • Compensation Period
        Until the start of the October 2022 Version Update maintenance
    • The following adjustments have been made to Sortie in order to alleviate congestion.
      • The ability to automatically teleport, selectable upon application for entry, has been disabled.
        * Players who have enabled this feature before the version update will have it automatically disabled.
      • The dialog option to toggle the auto-teleport function has similarly been disabled
      • The method for sorting players into Sortie areas has been adjusted.
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  6. #6
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
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    Jun 2017

    Resolved Issues

    • The issue wherein examining the diaphanous transposer in Kamihr Drifts (F-6) and casting a spell on oneself right before entering Sortie would cause players to be unable to move normally.
    • The issue with Sortie wherein certain notorious monster graphics were incorrect.
    • The issue wherein the graphics for the following items were incorrect.
      Amini Gapette +2 / Amini Caban +2 / Amini Glovelettes +2 / Amini Bragues +2 / Amini Bottillons +2 /
      Fili Calot +2 / Fili Hongreline +2 / Fili Manchettes +2 / Fili Rhingrave +2 / Fili Cothurnes +2
    • The issue wherein the conditions under which the Bozzetto Retributionist would use certain special abilities was incorrect.
    • The issue with the battlefield ★The Wyrm God wherein temporary items would be lost under certain circumstances.
    • The issue wherein the Morbol Apron would not permit players to equip headgear.
    • The issue wherein certain graphics would fail to display properly in Bastok Markets, Bastok Mines, and the Metalworks.
    • Various issues with incorrect text.
    Gunisaka - Community Team

  7. #7
    Community Rep Gunisaka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Known Issues

    *There are currently no known issues.
    Gunisaka - Community Team