One monster, the first of the lower group of 3 Indomitable Faaz on 100-yalm Wide Scan, occasionally roams close enough to Ethereal Ingress #4 to aggro a player who has just teleported through it.

Date & Time: 2022-05-22 15:45 PDT
Frequency: Occasionally
Character Name: Positron
Race: Tarutaru M
World: Fenrir
Main Job: Red Mage Lv.99
Support Job: Black Mage
Area and Coordinates: Reisenjima (F-5)
Party or Solo: Solo
Monster Name: Indomitable Faaz

Reproduction Steps:
1. From any Ethereal Ingress in Reisenjima, teleport to Ethereal Ingress #4.
2. Wait. If left alone, eventually the Indomitable Faaz will roam close enough to the landing spot to see you and begin attacking.