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  1. #1
    Dev Team Akihiko_Matsui's Avatar
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    October 2021 FINAL FANTASY XI Digest

    The latest FINAL FANTASY XI Digest is now available! The digest covers key features from the most recent version update. Check out the video, try the version update, and leave a feedback based on your experience of playing the new content.

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  2. #2
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    The Valaineral changes are great, makes Ambuscade and similar content far better for solo players.

    No more Apururu tanking half the monsters for the first 10-20 seconds of a fight!

  3. #3
    Player RandomCanadian's Avatar
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    Wyrm God HTMB still unaddressed

    Can we please fix the band-aid measure of raising Shinryu HTMB to 30 merits for entry?
    - Drop rate is so low it encourages people to spam endlessly, BUT no one spams anymore because drop rate is so low. So now you have content that barely anyone does because entry is high and reward is low. It makes no sense to have such a low drop rate on content you dont want to be congested.
    - This is not like Omen bodies, there is no interim benefit to doing this HTMB (e.g. omen cards and equipment upgrades). Having someone run this 1000 times to get the drops DOES NOT help with player retention. At best its lazy, at worst its just an insult to your loyal player base.

    Please increase drop rate and reduce entry cost. Congestion would be relieved when people actually started to get drops. I was up to about 200 fights with no drop before calling it quits.
    Last edited by RandomCanadian; 10-12-2021 at 09:47 AM.

  4. #4
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    You know, the "fixes" to ONE trust are great. and it only took you *checks watch* EIGHT YEARS to get that one right.

    But I guess that's the best you can do. So we're supposed to be grateful.

    Now fix the other 100 that are in desperate need. In a slightly more reasonable time-frame.
    Last edited by Yvone; 10-11-2021 at 10:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Player Voidstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomCanadian View Post
    Can we please fix the band-aid measure of raising Shinryu HTMB to 30 merits for entry?
    - Drop rate is so low it encourages people to spam endlessly, BUT no one spams anymore because drop rate is so low. So now you have content that barely anyone does because entry is high and reward is low. It makes no sense to have such a low drop rate on content you dont want to be congested.
    - This is not like Omen bodies, there is no interim benefit to doing this HTMB (e.g. omen cards and equipment upgrades). Having someone run this 1000 times to get the drops DOES NOT help with player retention. At best its lazy, at worst its just an insult to your loyal player base.

    Please increase drop rate and reduce entry cost. Congestion would be relieved when people actually started to get drops. I was up to about 200 fights with no drop before calling it quits.
    30 merits doesn't even make sense. we cap out at 75 merits, so make it 25 if increased cost in exchange for higher drops.
    Drop distribution is also complete trash. ammo 33%, earring 33%, ring 33% everything else combined 1% is unacceptable. And that's just an assumption based on what I've heard. I still haven't seen anything other than the first three.
    at worst it should be 2% for each item. SO, 30% {ammo, earring, ring} 2% (scythe, dagger, helm, mail, cloak}. Then there'd be a 10% chance we DON'T just see the accessories.

  6. #6
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    The issue is that a few people can cause mass congestion because they will spam it.

    As such, they make it so they cannot spam it by making it 30 merits.

    It's a catch 22, if they make the drop rate high then people will finish it and complain they have nothing to do. If they make it too low they complain cause they can't get it quick enough so they have nothing to do.

    Ultimately they have a mix. It took me 16 months to finish my lillith set, and most of those were no drop runs.

    What I did was stopped trying to get it asap and just did runs when I had merits from doing other stuff, I didn't actively try force it becasue I knew that didn't work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yvone View Post
    You know, the "fixes" to ONE trust are great. and it only took you *checks watch* EIGHT YEARS to get that one right.

    But I guess that's the best you can do. So we're supposed to be grateful.

    Now fix the other 100 that are in desperate need. In a slightly more reasonable time-frame.
    Trusts are supposed to be inferior to players, they want to gently coax people to group up while still allowing them to get stuff done with trusts.

    Not sure what else you want, the one main gripe I personally had was not having an aoe tank and we have that now.

    Instead of just randomly saying "fix everything yo" maybe make some actual suggestions.

  7. #7
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    That's not a thing I care to expend the energy on, other than stating a fact, which I did.

    They are bad on purpose but they're worse than they need to be. Needing 8 years to see that is the problem. That's unfix-able.

  8. #8
    Player Voidstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixela View Post
    The issue is that a few people can cause mass congestion because they will spam it.

    As such, they make it so they cannot spam it by making it 30 merits.

    It's a catch 22, if they make the drop rate high then people will finish it and complain they have nothing to do. If they make it too low they complain cause they can't get it quick enough so they have nothing to do.

    Ultimately they have a mix. It took me 16 months to finish my lillith set, and most of those were no drop runs.

    What I did was stopped trying to get it asap and just did runs when I had merits from doing other stuff, I didn't actively try force it becasue I knew that didn't work.
    Unless you're cap or close to cap on odyssey r20's, you still have plenty to do. The cloak from Shinryu HTMB is the one best item to helping a group actually pull out a win in v15 fights currently struggling to clear them. Impact w/ enough magic accuracy to get a decent duration on the enfeeblement.

  9. #9
    Player RandomCanadian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixela View Post
    It's a catch 22, if they make the drop rate high then people will finish it and complain they have nothing to do. If they make it too low they complain cause they can't get it quick enough so they have nothing to do.

    Ultimately they have a mix. It took me 16 months to finish my lillith set, and most of those were no drop runs.
    I understand the congestion issues. I understand people running out of content and complaining. I just dont think that dragging a 5 min HTMB into 1000 hours of gameplay for some gear is a good for the player base or the for longevity of the game. There should be an effort to balance 'fun' and 'variety' with 'spending time in vana diel'.

    As for Lilith, if you got a group together and knocked out VD, you'd be able to get more frequent drops. Its fine to choose to do content at your own pace. The Shinryu HTMB is a different story - VD drop rate can see no drops in dozens upon dozens of runs. It would be different if amor drops were coupled with an end-game event where other rewards made it pallatable to sink time into it, but thats not the case for this htmb.

    SE can choose to make content or not... and I hope they choose to make more content. But if this is their idea of how we should spend our time in game then I am disappointed. I'm voicing it here not to whine but to hopefully get improvements added because I would rather keep playing the game than walk. Or at least finish what content is there rather than feel stupid for wasting my time.

  10. #10
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvone View Post
    That's not a thing I care to expend the energy on, other than stating a fact, which I did.

    They are bad on purpose but they're worse than they need to be. Needing 8 years to see that is the problem. That's unfix-able.
    If you don't care to expend energy, and you're THAT disgruntled, for heavens sake why are you still here? Why aren't you doing something you actually like and would be having actual fun with? You clearly aren't having a good time, or you have a strange way of showing it.

    It was a design decision to have the trusts be the way they are (mostly). they aren't going to fix what they don't see as broken, and to be honest I don't either. The 50+ trusts that aren't useful are just for variety, there's always going to be a set few everyone will prefer more, no matter how many adjustments they make.

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