Salalaruru - Community Team
- Records of Eminence has undergone the following additions and adjustments
- The monthly objectives have been swapped out.
Salalaruru - Community Team
- Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
* As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
- Valaineral’s alter ego has undergone several adjustments.
- Valaineral will now use the weapon skills Sanguine Blade and Circle Blade.
- Valaineral will no longer use the weapon skills Red Lotus Blade or Swift Blade.
- Valaineral will now use Uriel Blade below level 50 if there are a certain number of monsters in range for which his master has enmity but he does not.
- Valaineral will now use the job abilities Defender and Majesty.
- Valaineral will now use the white magic spells Protect IV and Protect V while under the effects of Majesty.
- Valaineral will now use the job abilities Fealty, Divine Emblem, Chivalry, and Palisade under certain conditions.
- Valaineral will now use the white magic spells Reprisal, Phalanx, and Enlight.
- The frequency with which Valaineral uses the white magic spells Cure I-IV has been increased.
- Valaineral’s HP and MP values have been increased.
- The values of Valaineral’s Enmity+, Cure Potency+, Spell interruption rate decrease, Refresh+, and Damage Taken- attributes have been increased.
Salalaruru - Community Team
- New items have been added.
- Storage Slip 22
Chemistry Set
Salalaruru - Community Team
- The number of characters that may be created on the Asura world has been increased.
Salalaruru - Community Team
- The issue wherein weapon skill counts for Magian trial weapon quests would not increase when equipped with certain ranged weapons and trial weapons.
- The issue with Odyssey’s Sheol: Gaol wherein players would be returned to Rabao rather than the staging grounds when a boss battle concluded under certain conditions.
Salalaruru - Community Team
*There are currently no known issues.
Salalaruru - Community Team
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