Last edited by Qeepel; 07-30-2021 at 07:35 AM.
If you insist on doing this, I would recommend you make each submission its own self-contained report and not a submission filled with vague references to other submissions you've made. In all likelihood, there may be more than one person receiving these requests and they don't necessarily see your other submissions. In fact, I think if the info received is not clear enough, they likely do not even investigate.
Also, consider adjusting the tone of your submissions. They come off as quite negative. I know you are upset about the current state of the game, in terms of bots and automated tools, etc., and that is justifiable. However, the people receiving these requests are unlikely to be those with the power to make the large changes you want to see and more likely to be people just trying to do their assigned job. I know it's debatable whether or not they are actually still active or not, but you should give them the benefit of the doubt. By being so negative and accusatory you are simply giving them reasons to ignore or downplay your requests.
Something to the effect of the below might make your submissions more actionable:
- Times/dates observed: ___ ____ ____ ____
- Have confirmed these characters multiple times in the same area
- Multiple characters seem linked to an individual character and perform automated actions which do not resemble player-initiated actions
- Characters are active for hours at a time and appear to be automated or controlled by multiple people at once
See that's a secondary goal here. To get one of them to actually respond with what a "good" report will look like. what THEY specifically want to see. What magic buzzword I need to say or do to move the "investigation" FASTER.
When. Where. Who. is all already in the menu fields. That is more than sufficient and the "details" are entirely unnecessary for proper investigation. HOWEVER. If they feel otherwise, THEY need to affirm that.
There is no investigation required. If I said they're botting, they. are. botting. period. No discussion required. No chat logs required. No research required. No investigation required. I have done all the work for you.
They aren't trying to hide anything, they're just cleaning up your useless spam.
Unless you aren't actually sending the reports you're posting here, they are recieving them, so there is really no point in posting them here. Nobody cares and nobody here really wants to see them.
It's not rocket science. Drop the snark and the bull and provide as much *meaningful* information as possible as the form allows. As I told you before, nobody wants to help someone who's coming off as a jerk. Put yourself in the shoes of someone working in customer service, as I have for decades, and ask yourself what you really want to say to someone who is speaking to you in the manner you're using in some of these reports.To get one of them to actually respond with what a "good" report will look like.
Personally if I was this flustered about something like this as you seem to be, I would be moving on and cancelling my sub and finding something else to do with my time, rather than going on a holy crusade.
Last edited by Alhanelem; 07-28-2021 at 11:57 AM.
I don't care about their feefees. They're being paid to do a job, and they better do it. Bottom line.
Their sole purpose in life is to ban cheaters. If they cannot, will not, or are incapable of, then they need to be replaced with someone who can and will.
I'm very easy to please. ban like 10 bots that're pissing me off, and I'll slink back off into the shadows. It's that simple. Simply do your job. The thing you're supposed to be doing. Then no one has to put you on blast.
Last edited by Vorix; 07-28-2021 at 12:13 PM.
I don't need to know SE to know how this will be handled. They're a corporation. The answer is already obvious.
The employees sole job is to ban enough cheaters to make sure their bosses think they are overworked.
If they're too effective at their job, then it'll show on a quarterly report that there's room to cut funding to the department.
If they're not effective enough, then they'll be replaced by someone else.
You complaining here lets people higher up know they may need to increase funding, which means bean counters will do a risk assessment of players likelihood to quit the game with more cheaters vs more STF employees.
In a few months they'll have their next report regarding which will make the company more money and the answer will be to cut funding to the STF because rmt bots are playing customers who will virtually never quit playing, vs you the complainer who appears to be right at the cusp of quitting even if they hire more people.
As for solving your immediate issue directly; it never even occurred to them. You are posting in a way that can be seen as spam. Perfect excuse to ban you from the forum. Problem solved.
We want to thank you for taking the time to let us know of your concerns regarding possible third party program use. We certainly understand how disconcerting it can be to see suspicious activity while trying to enjoy the game and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Regarding your concerns with the STF and your reports, we can assure you that the STF takes third party program use and RMT activity very seriously and a thorough investigation is conducted into every report they receive. While these investigations are being conducted, we must kindly ask for your patience and understanding, to ensure the accuracy of the evidence found. Rest assured that any activity from a player found to be in violation of the Rules and Service will have the appropriate action taken on them.
To show the effectiveness of these reports from players like you, the STF posts the number of banned accounts and frozen gil each month for your review, which you can find at the following link:
For those reading this thread, please feel free to submit a report of any player that you suspect using third party programs or involved with RMT activity at the following link:
Lastly, while we greatly appreciate your feedback on the matter, we kindly ask that you please use the STF form link above to properly submit your reports, as the forum is not intended for this purpose. The forum guidelines prohibit harassment and slander towards other players, so your post or images may be removed in such case. For your reference, below is a link to the FINAL FANTASY XI Forum Guidelines:
Thank you again for your feedback and understanding, and best of luck on your adventures!
No one cares about the names (okay, SE does), it's the fact that you're spamming the forum. And recreating threads after they are being deleted/locked.
Last edited by Alhanelem; 07-30-2021 at 01:34 PM.
I've lost count, it's not that many, barely in the double digits.
See the thing is, I follow all the rules (learned my lesson from FFXIV forums...). I also stop engaging in an activity if a person of authority tells me not to do it.
This poster is doing neither of those things, and therefore they will probably get what's coming to them while I putter on past in my Edsel, saluting as I pass by.
On a related note, I guess Yvone still cares about bots because I'm still here.Since I was never actually harassing anyone, and SE clearly saw that.
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