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  1. #11
    Player Zehira's Avatar
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    learned my lesson from FFXIV forums
    Oh, I once again took a risk to protect you.

    I guess Yvone still cares about bots because I'm still here.
    You are so correct. Not much to bot other than getting one of my jobs to master by myself. I have enough gil to spend for a while.

  2. #12
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Oh, I once again took a risk to protect you.
    I am legitimately unsure what you mean by this.


    Ultimately, the two issues with this thread are:

    1) repeatedly posting stuff like this would be considered spam by any measure of the term;
    2) The user is re-posting a topic that has been locked or deleted more than once before, most recently with a clear message from the support staff answering their concerns and requesting that they not continue to do what they're doing.

    Conclusion: If it continues, it will not end well. None of us has to do anything- it doesn't need to be reported or anything, it will resolve itself, most likely in the form of the account being banned from the forums.

  3. #13
    Player Zehira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    Ultimately, the two issues with this thread are:

    1) repeatedly posting stuff like this would be considered spam by any measure of the term;
    2) The user is re-posting a topic that has been locked or deleted more than once before, most recently with a clear message from the support staff answering their concerns and requesting that they not continue to do what they're doing.

    Conclusion: If it continues, it will not end well. None of us has to do anything- it doesn't need to be reported or anything, it will resolve itself, most likely in the form of the account being banned from the forums.
    I know what you mean. Since this thread only impacts on Asura I am not sure what else should you really bother with. Yvone is Yvone. He will not give up.

    From my point of view, I think it's sad that you have no clue how to respect people's feelings with your loud mouth (White knight I guess?). I am not saying you are a bad poster but isn't it a bit annoying you continue to spam on the entire forums? One person with opinions. When you disagree with players (I say most of time), they have no other choices because you sound like SE's pet but might move to Asura or not to find something better to do than wasting their time arguing on the forums. Many posters here are trying to communicate directly with the community staff. FFXI is slowly dying and players will live with it.

  4. #14
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    This is NOW post #14 Stop secretly deleting posts. 10/9
    Last edited by Yvone; 10-09-2021 at 10:28 PM.

  5. #15
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    Last edited by Yvone; 07-31-2021 at 09:37 PM.

  6. #16
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zehira View Post
    I know what you mean. Since this thread only impacts on Asura I am not sure what else should you really bother with. Yvone is Yvone. He will not give up.

    From my point of view, I think it's sad that you have no clue how to respect people's feelings with your loud mouth (White knight I guess?). I am not saying you are a bad poster but isn't it a bit annoying you continue to spam on the entire forums? One person with opinions. When you disagree with players (I say most of time), they have no other choices because you sound like SE's pet but might move to Asura or not to find something better to do than wasting their time arguing on the forums. Many posters here are trying to communicate directly with the community staff. FFXI is slowly dying and players will live with it.
    I mean, is it a crime to check the forum regularly and engage in what other people are talking about? The community is so quiet these days, you should be happy anyone is posting. I also disagree with you notion that I have a "loud mouth" (this is text, and posting a lot isn't anything like being a loudmouth), and I further disagree with your notion that I'm a white knight, because I'm anything but. I just don't like it when people feel over-entitled. I disagree with many of SE's rules and policies and updates and such, but I also respect them, because I'm not the one who made the rules.

    For instance, in my opinion, if someone throws away a valuable item, to me, that's their own fault for not being more careful with their important things. I don't think SE is obligated to do anything about that, but more than a few times we've had overentitled players posting here demanding their item be restored for their lack of care and attention to what they were doing (or making the restore request outside of the officially stated 7 day window- I don't like the rules, but the rules are what they are). So in this situation, it's not that I don't want SE's support to be more helpful, and it's not th at I think SE is great and perfect. In this situation, it's that I think people have to live with the consequences of their actions.

    Similarly, in regards to the topic of this thread, I'm not defending SE's inaction on botting at all, I think they absolutely don't do enough. I'm merely trying and apparently failing to communicate to the OP that posting a bunch of pics of him/her stalking botters on the forums is not going to move SE to do better. Really, only SE can do anything about this, threads like this one are useless.

    I'm sorry that you feel I'm "SE's pet," I really don't know where you get that impression but it's simply not true. It's also not true that I "disagree with everything." I agree with lots of things- but usually if someone said something well and I agree with it, I just hit the "like" button and you won't see me say much/anything. So while I can see the perception that I must disagree with everything because that's what you see me post, the reality is, I'm simply not commenting as much on the threads I agree with because I'm just "like"ing them instead.

    And I think those "many posters" need to realize that while feedback for SE is part of what these forums are for, a forum, including this one, is for discussion and chatter, not just "HEY SE, WE WANT THIS THING PLZ." Coming here and hoping for SE to respond to something is setting expectations too high, you and I both know that, they just don't respond to specific issues that much anymore. Which is honestly sad (and also not white knighting), in all fairness.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 08-01-2021 at 09:59 AM.

  7. #17
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  8. #18
    Player Gwydion's Avatar
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    For everyone's benefit, I think that both Alhanelem and Yvone need a 72-hour vacation from FFXI and the official forums.

  9. 08-01-2021 01:55 PM
    Not rocking the boat

  10. #19
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    Last edited by Yvone; 08-01-2021 at 09:50 PM.

  11. #20
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    Last edited by Yvone; 08-02-2021 at 02:45 AM.

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