Operating System: Windows 10

ISP:Virgin Media

Internet Connection Speed: 200Mbps

Date & Time: 28 Mar 2021 02:00 GMT

Frequency: Always

Character Name: Haldarn

Race: ElvaanM

World: Shiva

Main Job: RDM

Support Job: NIN

Party or Solo: Solo

Monster Name: None

Area and Coordinates: Southern San d'Oria (S), Windurst Waters (S), Bastok Markets (S)

NPC Name: Tamba-Namba, Cattah Pamjah, Bhio Fehriata

  • I am aware this issue was raised as a bug report by Rosalie in 2015 here and was filed under 'Not a Bug Report', but I would ask that it be looked at again and if necessary a short response given.
  • Other users on this forum and the main fan forums have highlighted this in the past and the community now seems to accept that this Title is 'broken'.
  • This issue has come into focus again recently as the community discuss the possibility of Titles having an effect on the newly introduced Mastery Rank.
  • As I first obtained it only after this issue was originally reported, we can rule out the theory that the title was removed from the game after it was originally added.

  • Completed the Wings of the Goddess missions, including receiving the Augmented Moonshade Earring. I take meticulous note as to when I receive titles and can confirm that I definitely did so on 8th May 2016, at around 13:51 (GMT).
  • In order to confirm all Titles I have access to with a view to adding to the community-sourced data collation around the topic of Mastery Rank, I visited all 16 Traveling Bards across Vana'diel and made note of every Title I had earned on every menu. "Champion of the Dawn" was not present on any of them (though one would expect it to occur on one of the three Shadowreign bards' menus).
Could you please provide confirmation of one of the following:
  • This is a bug.
  • This is not a bug, just for a reason known only to the developers, this one Title out of over a thousand can only be reobtained by re-clearing the content and not from the Traveling Bard NPCs.