Platform: Windows
ISP: Telia
Type of Internet Connection: Cable
Internet Connection Speed: 210 Mbps
Date & Time: 2/14/2021 02:00 GMT
Frequency: Unknown
Character Name: Hikarushi
Race: Mithra
World: Ragnarok
Main Job: Puppetmaster
Support Job: White Mage
Area and Coordinates: Odyssey - Sheol: Gaol
Party or Solo: Party
NPC Name: none
Monster Name: none

1. Enter Odyssey battle content Sheol: Gaol with a party of 4 players.
2. All party members click Veridical Conflux inside, from which players warp into Boss area.
3. Able to summon trust characters which player has not unlocked in-game yet. Such as Ygnas trust, without doing the necessary quests to unlock this trust. Several other trust characters were also summonable for the duration of that boss battle at least, which the player had not unlocked yet.
4. Possible cause lies in every party member adding their own unlocked trust characters into zone specific global trust list upon clicking the Veridical Conflux within Sheol: Gaol. Thus enabling unintended(?) access to trust characters that have been unlocked by other party members. All party members noted, that they had access to several trust characters, for the duration of that Gaol run, that they had not unlocked in-game yet.
5. Upon leaving Sheol: Gaol area, trust character summon list is back to normal state.

6. Important to also note that severe Input delay and connection lag from server side was present during this whole Sheol: Gaol run. After returning to Rabao, no delay was detected and server side connection behaved as intended.
7. Also important to note that clicking the Veridical Conflux within Sheol: Gaol and staying on this Conflux boss list menu, seemed to suppress the severe server lag present within this particular zone. As long as player stays on this Conflux menu, server connection behaves as intended. However, upon leaving this menu, ffxi server once again starts sending abnormal amount of unnecessary(?) data to client side. As can be observer from the send/receive values present on upper right corner of ffxi game window. Causing fatal input delay on all actions within Sheol: Gaol.