Platform: Windows

ISP: Virgin Media

Type of Internet Connection: Fibre Optic

Internet Connection Speed: 200Mbps

Date & Time: 10 Feb 2021 16:00 GMT

Frequency: Always

Character Name: Haldarn

Race: ElvaanM

World: Shiva

Main Job: RDM

Support Job: NIN

Party or Solo: Solo

Monster Name: None

Area and Coordinates: Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9)

NPC Name: Halver

1) Speak to Halver to initiate the mission "Dancing Prince"
2) At one point he says /tAh! I know just what to do. The leading /t is superfluous.


Area and Coordinates: Davoi (H-7)

NPC Name: Quemaricond

1) Speak to Quemaricond during the mission "Dancing Prince"
2) At one point he says "map or something like that". The speech marks are superfluous; maybe the phrase is a temporary translation?