ISP: Cox
Type of Internet Connection: Cable
Internet Connection Speed: 212Mbit/s, 11Mbit/s
Date & Time: September 25, 2020 10:00 p.m PST
Frequency: Always
Character Name: Goldform
Race: Hume F
World: Asura
Main Job: Bard 99
Support Job: White Mage
Area and Coordinates: Aht Urhgan Whitegate, I-10
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: Abquhbah
Monster Name: None
I. Hello, I am experiencing a similar issue to this post here but do not see any resolutions.
II. In-Game bug with Quest "Coming Full Circle"
"Quest" > "Current" > "Aht Uhrgan: Current Quest" > "Coming Full Circle"
I obtained a Dancing Dagger (Bard Vigil Weapon) and attempted to trade it to Abquhbah. After trading it (or any other Vigil Weapon) I get the message:
"You cannot successfully complete this trade transaction while in possession of a Serpentking Zahak relief shard. You must first finish the quest "Coming Full Circle" before trading a new weapon."
Problem: Quest can not be completed, reset or flagged further without my last Mythic. This weapon was dropped while my account was compromised and is no longer recoverable by GMs due to their 7 day policy. A GDR was also attempted with 3 months to no avail. This issue prevents my character from further working on any new Mythic Weapons.
What I have attempted to progress the quest and flag it further (on Summoner and Bard):
*Seaprince's Tombstone in Caedarva Mire
*Imperial Whitegate (No Main/Sub/Range/Ammo equipped)
*Trade new Vigil Weapon to Abquhbah
*Approach Naja Salaheem
*Tsih Kolgimih - cutscene rewatch NPC "Coming Full Circle (pt.1) and (pt.2)" and repeat steps above.
III. Suggested Remedies
I have little to no programming experience; however, the following two solutions seem like relatively simple ways to fix this bug:
(1) Allow players to dispose of the temporary key item "Serpentking Zahak Relief Shard" when they trade a new mythic weapon to Abqubah; or
(2) Allow the "Coming Full Circle" quest interactions to activate without the mythic weapon equipped.
IV. Conclusion
It appears that my character cannot create another mythic because: (1) I never completed the quest "Coming Full Circle", and (2) I no longer possess my mythic (Nirvana) due to my account being compromised.
This issue could be resolved by allowing players to dispose of the "Serpentking Zahak relief shard."
Thank you again for reading through my issue, and I would sincerely appreciate any potential assistance regarding this matter.