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  1. #1
    Player Zirconian's Avatar
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    ffxi mobile information

    "Idiots are like talking to a wall because they will hit you with more experience."
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  2. #2
    Player Beastorizer's Avatar
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    Yeah, I have been intrigued by that game since I discovered FFXI was halting major updates whiles I was away from the game. I then put 2 and 2 together....

    They are using resources from this, to build to that.

  3. #3
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beastorizer View Post
    Yeah, I have been intrigued by that game since I discovered FFXI was halting major updates whiles I was away from the game. I then put 2 and 2 together....

    They are using resources from this, to build to that.
    Well they're not, because they're licensing Nexon to do it. they're not making it themselves, but keep up with those conspiracy theories. The FFXI mobile project likely costs SE very little because SE isn't developing it.

    Income from any game or project in a company like this also generally goes into one big accounts recoverable pile, and money earned from any one project is never specifically attributed to another. So much as people want to keep thinking FFXI was killed to build FFXIV, or the mobile game, or whatever else, it simply isn't true and can't be proven because even their balance sheets can't show that.

    They would basically have to invest in an entire full sized MMO dev team to take the game we have and make radical changes to it because of the way it was developed. It would basically have to be rebuilt from the ground up, and while they could potentially make a lot of money from a remaster, it probably wouldn't be compatible with what we have now.

    Seriously- no one ever said "Let's take the X dollars we earned from FFXI sub fees and spend it on Y thing that isn't FFXI, or "lets take the money we made from Project Z and spend it on project A". That's not how budgeting at a company like this works.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 07-21-2020 at 01:39 AM.

  4. #4
    Player Beastorizer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    Well they're not, because they're licensing Nexon to do it. they're not making it themselves, but keep up with those conspiracy theories. The FFXI mobile project likely costs SE very little because SE isn't developing it.

    Income from any game or project in a company like this also generally goes into one big accounts recoverable pile, and money earned from any one project is never specifically attributed to another. So much as people want to keep thinking FFXI was killed to build FFXIV, or the mobile game, or whatever else, it simply isn't true and can't be proven because even their balance sheets can't show that.

    They would basically have to invest in an entire full sized MMO dev team to take the game we have and make radical changes to it because of the way it was developed. It would basically have to be rebuilt from the ground up, and while they could potentially make a lot of money from a remaster, it probably wouldn't be compatible with what we have now.

    Seriously- no one ever said "Let's take the X dollars we earned from FFXI sub fees and spend it on Y thing that isn't FFXI, or "lets take the money we made from Project Z and spend it on project A". That's not how budgeting at a company like this works.
    Not quite

    Halting updates does 2 things, it lowers production cost and allows SE to allocate those resources wherever they wish. Why do you think some companies kill off somewhat profitable MMO? To cut cost......So yeah, those people who think money from XI helped build XIV are correct in a way. You are thinking linear, like a gamer. I am thinking from a business perspective.

    People cried when CoH was shutdown..."Why did NCSoft shutdown a profitable game?" How profitable was it to them really? Not profitable enough to keep around.....

    There is more to gaming than revenue........That revenue seems like alot to us....But the cost of production is not cheap. That is why solid mmo tend to shutdown; or why FFXI halted major updates to an otherwise kicking game.

  5. #5
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    There is more to gaming than revenue........That revenue seems like alot to us....But the cost of production is not cheap. That is why solid mmo tend to shutdown; or why FFXI halted major updates to an otherwise kicking game.
    1) updates have never "halted." The scope of updates has changed and new content hasnt been as frequent, but not "halted." And I don't know for sure what you mean by "kicking" but if you are talking about how active it is, I'd say player activity slowed well before updates did.

    But You essentially replied to my comment and quoted me but didn't really address it at all. And you contradict yourself when you talk about how some other game shut down when it was allegedly profitable. So? FFXI is probably less profitable and has been for a long time than CoH, but it does bring them money and it is also a main line FF title, which means they aren't going to just kill it, particularly without some alternative means of experiencing it.

    But the main point I was making, which you didn't actually discuss, is that the claim that FFXI income has been explicitly diverted to some specific project is bogus, and I explained why.

    Also, don't tell me how I'm thinking. I'm thinking from a business perspective and not any other. Budgeting at any corporation doesn't work the way you think it does. This isn't exclusive to a gaming company like SE. I mean, yes, money from FFXI went into the company to be invested in other projects. But the point is, it wasn't explicitly allocated to FFXIV or to any other one specific project. The money goes into their budget and that budget is then distributed to SE's projects and operations as they see fit. It doesn't work like:
    FF7 Remake money goes to making FF16
    FFXI money goes into patching FF14
    Life Is Strange money goes into making "Life is Normal"

    It's more like FF7 FFXI LiS money -> SE project fund account -> All active projects

    You can't distinguish which income sources went to which projects.

    Yes, some number of dollars that came from FFXI indirectly went to 14, because it was an active project at the time. But they weren't explicitly funneling FFXI's income to make XIV or any other one specific thing. It's just a simple fact, that's not how business budgets work. It's just a conspiracy theory with no basis- Nobody making these claims has access to the kind of information that could possibly support such a claim even if it were true- which is even less likely today because FFXI's income is most likely a drop in the bucket- it would not have any major bearing on FFXIV's development even if every single penny it is earning went to it.

    So I understand the salt from people who feel like their beloved game was deliberately destroyed to make a successor. But for one, if that was really the plan (ispoiler alert: it wasn't), then FFXI would have ended service at least a decade ago, having outlived its usefulness. And for two, early on the plan was actually for the two games to be linked together, more like two worlds rather than two games. This concept was scrapped early on as unfeasible, but they clearly did NOT want to kill FFXI when XIV devleopment started."

    I mean you're buying into a conspiracy theory- so nothing I say could possibly convince you of anything else, because that is how conspiracy theorists work. But I can say with relative certainty that Square-Enix is not "funding" Nexon, nor would they be explicitly using FFXI sub dollars to do it even if they were.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 07-23-2020 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #6
    Player Beastorizer's Avatar
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    Yikes, name calling "Salt"

    Truth struck a nerve? Lol, relax brother. This is not so serious.

    Anyway, SE said they are halting major updates to FFXI, thus I take their word for it.

    You have somewhat of a point regarding XI mobile and Nexon, if Nex are the publisher who usually take son the financial burden. However, you are a bit off in terms of how an entity uses their resources. That is all I am saying.

    I can see my comments are getting to you, thus you are becoming angry. So, I will do what I always do to defuse a situation and take my leave. Besides, don't want to turn the OP topic into a flame thread.

    Peace, and hopefully you find peace brother.

  7. #7
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beastorizer View Post
    Yikes, name calling "Salt"

    Truth struck a nerve? Lol, relax brother. This is not so serious.
    I mean, it's not the truth, but like I said, you're free to believe whatever you want.
    If "salt" offends you, then you're the one taking things too seriously, lol

    Hardly a day goes by when someone makes the bogus claim that SE directly funded FFXI with FFXIV which is both not true and unproveable even if it were without access to information that only an internal accountant working for SE at the time of its original development would have.

    FFXIV was funded by a budget. A budget incoporates money from all manner of sources. You don't just pick one source of income and say "the funding for this project will come from this one income source."

    And given how much FFXIV cost to make (even before being REmade), FFXI could not have been that big of a portion of the budget even if every single dollar from it was being funneled, which again, is almost certainly untrue.

    Even if it was, so what? SE makes games (among other thing). By complaining about this you're basically trying to tell SE that they can't make more games with their profits, that there's something wrong with that.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 07-24-2020 at 03:41 AM.

  8. #8
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    I don't get why people keep misunderstanding the mobile game.

    Nexon paid the SE online division for the rights to make the game, that's it. They gave them a chunk of cash for the rights to make a mobile game and that cash was used to create Rhapsodies. Aside from giving them models and some lore help that's all the FFXI developers have to do with it.

    FFXI mobile is not by Square, it has nothing to do with Square Enix. Nexon own it, Nexon are making it.

    It's going to be a cash grab, it will be free to play with buyable coins, it will play itself and it will be very simple. It will not be FFXI on mobile, it will be a souless mobile cash grab and if you think anything else I feel sorry for your upcoming disappointment. Nexon are a known entity.

    Square Enix are still fully behind updating FFXI on PC.
    Last edited by Pixela; 07-27-2020 at 07:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Player Tennotsukai's Avatar
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    I think with how most mobile games are I believe Pixela may be onto something. I really hope not, though. I'm actually looking forward to it.

  10. #10
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixela View Post
    I don't get why people keep misunderstanding the mobile game.

    Nexon paid the SE online division for the rights to make the game, that's it. They gave them a chunk of cash for the rights to make a mobile game and that cash was used to create Rhapsodies. Aside from giving them models and some lore help that's all the FFXI developers have to do with it.

    FFXI mobile is not by Square, it has nothing to do with Square Enix. Nexon own it, Nexon are making it.

    It's going to be a cash grab, it will be free to play with buyable coins, it will play itself and it will be very simple. It will not be FFXI on mobile, it will be a souless mobile cash grab and if you think anything else I feel sorry for your upcoming disappointment. Nexon are a known entity.

    Square Enix are still fully behind updating FFXI on PC.
    I'm fairly certain SE has some level of creative control. But they aren't developing it, that's all being done by Nexon.

    Obviously if the game is called FFXI in any form and they make a Puyo Puyo ripoff, SE has the right to say, "ummm, sorry but no."

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