Right now on Asura, job point sellers are so rampant that they are impacting the ability for players who don't want to buy them from getting them due to bots operating 24/7 and camps being a limited resource.

I would ask that a developer or at least a community GM staff goto Asura and check Dho gates to see how rampant this is, 3 players perma killing with parties of afk players just behind them. Shouts constantly selling 500 JP for 10 million gil.

I get that the developers don't want to stop people doing this as they want the world to exist with as little intervention as possible, but something really needs to be done because the game is devolving into abyssea worm camps again with armies of afk people getting job points. It's destroying the content the developers are banking on to keep people around and also making it harder for players to do it without resorting to buying.

Some suggestions that I think the developers might accept:

Offer an ROE objective that changes daily to clear content or kill a set number of higher level monsters to get 2-3 job points per day.

Boost the effectiveness of Trizek rings to give larger increases.

Boost how much CP monsters like Aerns in Escha and monsters in Reisen give compared to Apex so that it is an acceptable alternative outside of botters.

Right now job points are so hard to get for "normal players" and so easy to get for "elite players" that the first group are giving up and just buying them cheaply from the 2nd group for low prices that can practically solo them with a geo alt using bots.

The first group need to see a way to get job points themselves so as to not be disheartened and give up, people buying job points in the numbers they are right now is a failure of the developers to address the acquisition rate of getting them and impacting normal players getting them normally too.