Gunisaka - Community Team
- A new quest has been added.
- The Silent Forest
Proceeding with this quest will enable players to obtain a new avatar, Siren.
Players must meet the following prerequisites and speak with Levil in Western Adoulin (E-8) to receive the quest.
- Have completed the Seekers of Adoulin mission The Light Within.
- Have completed Rhapsodies of Vana’diel Chapter 3, A Rhapsody for the Ages.
- Have acquired Arciela’s alter ego.
- Records of Eminence have undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- The monthly Records of Eminence objectives have been swapped out.
- New designations have been added.
Gunisaka - Community Team
- Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
* As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
- A new notorious monster has been added to Domain Invasion.
This new notorious monster has a chance of spawning in Escha – Zi’Tah, Escha – Ru’Aun, and Reisenjima when the regular monsters in Domain Invasion have been wiped out.
- The following jobs have undergone adjustments.
- Summoner
- A new spell has been added.
- Acquiring Siren
Players will be able to acquire Siren as they proceed with the newly-added quest “The Silent Forest.”
- New Blood Pacts
Acquiring Siren will enable to player to use the following Blood Pacts.
- Blood Pacts: Rage
Name Lv. Acquired Effect Welt SMN Lv. 1 Deals physical damage. Roundhouse SMN Lv. 25 Deals physical damage. Sonic Buffet SMN Lv. 65 Deals wind elemental damage. Additional effect: Dispel. Tornado II SMN Lv. 75 Deals wind elemental damage. Hysteric Assault SMN Lv. 99 Delivers a threefold attack. Additional effect: HP Drain. Clarsach Call SMN Lv. 1 Required MP: Casters level x2. Uses all MP and delivers wind elemental damage to enemies within area of effect.
- Blood Pacts: Ward
Name Lv. Acquired Effect Lunatic Voice SMN Lv. 15 Silences enemies within area of effect. Katabatic Blades SMN Lv. 31 Grants the effects of “Enaero” to party members within area of effect. Chinook SMN Lv. 42 Grants the effects of “Aquaveil” to party members within area of effect. Bitter Elegy SMN Lv. 50 Grants the effect of “Elegy” to target. Wind’s Blessing SMN Lv. 88 Grants a Magic Shield effect for party members within area of effect.
- Paladin
- The effects of the job ability Rampart have been changed.
Decreases damage received by party members in area of effect (Recast time: 180s; Duration: 30s)
* In line with this change, the degree of recast time reduction granted by the Rampart Recast merit point category has been adjusted.
- The recast time of the job ability Shield Bash has been reduced from 300s to 60s.
* In line with this change, the degree of recast time reduction granted cy the Shield Bash Recast merit point category has been adjusted.
- The recast time of the job ability Divine Emblem has been decreased from 600s to 180s.
- Beastmaster
- The time that must pass before the following abilities used by pets summoned with the job ability Call Beast activate has been changes to 1s.
Foot Kick / Dust cloud / Whirl Claws / Head Butt / Dream Flower / Wild Oats / Leaf Dagger / Scream / Roar / Razor Fang /
Claw Cyclone / Tail Blow / Fireball / Blockhead / Brain Crush / Infrasonics / Lamb Chop / Sheep Charge / Sheep Song / Bubble Shower /
Big Scissor / Needleshot / ??? Needles / Frog Kick / Spore / Queasyshroom / Numbshroom / Danceshroom / Silence Gas /
Dark Spore / Power Attack / Hi-Freq Field / Rhino Attack / Spoil / Cursed Sphere / Venom / Sandblast / Sandpit / Venom Spray /
Soporific / Gloeosuccus / Palsy Pollen / Geist Wall / Numbing Noise / Nimble Snap / Cyclotail / Toxic Spit / double Claw / Grapple /
Chaotic Eye / Blaster / Suction / Drainkiss / Snow cloud / Sudden Lunge / Spiral Spin / Noisome Powder / Acid Mist / TP Drainkiss /
Scythe Tail / Ripper Fang / Chomp Rush / Charged Whisker / Purulent Ooze / Corrosive Oooze / Back Heel / Jettatura /
Choke Breath / Turtle Stomp / Aqua Breath / Wing Slap / Beak Lunge / Intimidate / Recoil Dive / Sensilla Blades /
Tegmina Buffet / Molting Plumage / Swooping Frenzy / Sweeping Gouge / Pentapeck / Tickling Tendrils / Stink Bomb /
Nectarous Deluge / Nepenthic Plunge / Somersault / Foul Waters / Pestilent Plume / Pecking Flurry / Sickle Slash /
Acid Spray / Spider Web / Gloom Spray / Disembowel / Mandibular Bite / Spinning Top / Filamented Hold / Infected Leech / Extirpating Salvo
Gunisaka - Community Team
- New items have been added.
- Additional items are now storable via the Porter Moogle
- Storage Slip 22
Mithkabob Shirt- Storage Slip 23
Burrower’s Wand
Gunisaka - Community Team
- Various issues with incorrect NPC dialogue and help text.
- The issue with the following battlefields wherein area brightness was incorrect under certain client settings.
A stygian Pact / ★Champion of the Dawn / ★Divine Interference / ★Maiden of the Dusk
- The issue wherein the effect range for the song Maiden’s Virelai did not display properly when a string instrument was equipped.
- The issue wherein enhancing effects of special abilities used by pets summoned by the Call Beast ability would improperly apply to alter egos called by the party leader.
- The issue wherein synergizing items using synergy furnaces created by the neck item Portafurnace would not cause the said synergy furnace’s durability to degrade over time.
Gunisaka - Community Team
- When entering Ambuscade, players will occasionally be returned to Mhaura under certain circumstances after the screen fades to black.
Gunisaka - Community Team
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