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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    beginner monster rearing question (evolution)

    I'm new to Mog Gardens and monster rearing. I've read the two main wikis on the topic, but I'm running into a problem that's also stumped my LS, and it regards evolution.

    About 2 weeks ago, I gained access to monster rearing and quickly completed the first 3 quests (up to Cry Not, Caretaker). Every single day I have pet my lamb and fed it Boyahda Moss (overkill, I know). For the last few days it's been "beaming with pure contentment."

    The parenting style is set to "Enjoying the Moment" and the lamb is currently at ★☆ and it has been for about a week. I also named it. Despite all of this, every time I feed it Boyahda Moss, it acts like it does when if it were to eat any other type of greens. (Sorry, I'm not in front of the game, so I can't remember the exact message.)

    It's been like this for a week. I thought it might that my monster rearing was somehow limited since I was only rank 1, but I finished "Sakura and the Magic Spoon" for rank 2 last night and today it's no different.

    What am I doing wrong? Why is it not evolving?

    I've also started monster rearing on two of my mules, and after a week of identical treatment starting on the same day, one is at ☆☆ and "beaming with pure contentment" (and has been for 3 days) and the other is at ☆☆ and one step lower on the contentment ladder and can't seem to improve.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    You should leave them on "personal growth" they will grow/evolve faster, the only reason to put them on "enjoy the moment" is if they grew too fast and you might miss a memento.

    I've never heard of this, but with the way they occasionally screw up random things with updates, "enjoy the moment" may be blocking your evolution. Change them back to "personal growth" and try.

    It could also be Chacharoon's Cheer quest, but you should have that finished (trade him a gold coin after doing sakura and the magic spoon)
    Last edited by Isola; 07-04-2019 at 08:34 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Isola View Post
    You should leave them on "personal growth" they will grow/evolve faster, the only reason to put them on "enjoy the moment" is if they grew too fast and you might miss a memento.

    I've never heard of this, but with the way they occasionally screw up random things with updates, "enjoy the moment" may be blocking your evolution. Change them back to "personal growth" and try.

    It could also be Chacharoon's Cheer quest, but you should have that finished (trade him a gold coin after doing sakura and the magic spoon)
    Thanks for the advice on parenting style. I changed it "personal growth" last night, and today I fed Boyahda Moss and the lamb still gives the message that it "strongly resonated"... nothing for evolution.

    As for Chacharoon's Cheer quest, I completed that a few days ago.

    I guess it's time to report a bug... (>.<)

  4. #4
    Player Dzspdref's Avatar
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    Keep feeding it correctly, or try another item for food. But when the monster is ready to "evolve", it gives you the reply somewhat akin to "the lamb is shaking/quivering with excitement" or some word pertaining to him shivering or shaking. THAT'S when it is ready to evolve by leaving Mog garden then re-entering. Also make sure you are doing the correct slap/pet/yell/poke interaction or it may not evolve any where as fast, or even not at all until that has been done a few times.

  5. #5
    Player Dragoy's Avatar
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    If it's only at one and a half stars, it probably isn't ready to evolve yet.

    Provided the feed is one that will trigger evolving, and that the time is right, the message will be:
    "$monsterName" squirms uncontrollably.
    Once they do evolve (they change form after changing areas), the message will be:
    "$monsterName shudders violently."
    At least that's how I have seen things go personally. :]
    ...or so the legend says.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    one and a half stars is all it takes to evolve for 90% of the monsters. Whatever his issue was it wasn't stars.

  7. #7
    Player Jerynh's Avatar
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    3 years later... FWIW, from BG Wiki:

    *The sheep, crab, slime, dragon hatchling, behemoth, cactus, mandragora, and ferromantoise monsters require ★★☆ (2.5) stars before they will evolve.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Gridania XD
    i personally grind into full 3 stars before trying to evolve em, not really that hard to grind the stars.