I'm new to Mog Gardens and monster rearing. I've read the two main wikis on the topic, but I'm running into a problem that's also stumped my LS, and it regards evolution.
About 2 weeks ago, I gained access to monster rearing and quickly completed the first 3 quests (up to Cry Not, Caretaker). Every single day I have pet my lamb and fed it Boyahda Moss (overkill, I know). For the last few days it's been "beaming with pure contentment."
The parenting style is set to "Enjoying the Moment" and the lamb is currently at ★☆ and it has been for about a week. I also named it. Despite all of this, every time I feed it Boyahda Moss, it acts like it does when if it were to eat any other type of greens. (Sorry, I'm not in front of the game, so I can't remember the exact message.)
It's been like this for a week. I thought it might that my monster rearing was somehow limited since I was only rank 1, but I finished "Sakura and the Magic Spoon" for rank 2 last night and today it's no different.
What am I doing wrong? Why is it not evolving?
I've also started monster rearing on two of my mules, and after a week of identical treatment starting on the same day, one is at ☆☆ and "beaming with pure contentment" (and has been for 3 days) and the other is at ☆☆ and one step lower on the contentment ladder and can't seem to improve.