The player base found Aeonics to be disappointing because you slapped the same stats on EVERY WEAPON.

Now augmented mythics ...are the same bland Acc/M.Acc/WSD+X% augments! You're not putting any thought into these augments.

Mythics should ENHANCE ABILITIES OF THE JOB. I came up with this list in just a few minutes. You could have varied the stats on the mythic augments ...but you augment the jobs on ...crafted dynamis weapons??? You could have:

1.) Give SCH an extra stratagem
2.) Give BST ready distance + 5-10 yalms
3.) Give RDM a unique "Honor March"-like combination debuff
4.) Give WHM the ability to Reflect a status ailment onto the monster.
5.) Give MNK ...a break! You broke it!
6.) Give SMN Avatar: Level +1 (something mediocre).
7.) Give DNC a new defensive step or offensive flourish!
8.) Give DRK a unique Absorb spell.
9.) Give RNG mythic a chance to beat Fomahault.
10.) Give BLM a better reason to make their mythic. (Damage too close to non-REMA, or perhaps an Ultima spell).
11.) Give BLU any ultimate Final Fantasy spell.
12.) Give WAR a Warcry II ability, call it "Rallying Cry" with the mythic.
13.) SAM's mythic should beat out all other Great Katanas.
14.) Give THF mythic a base TH+1 boost, so that you start at a higher TH than other THFs.
15.) Give DRG's wyvern augmentable breath attacks and a better Call Wyvern recast.
16.) Give PUP automaton moderate AOE enmity ability.
17.) Give PLD Atonement a chance to be competitive or Give Shield Bash WS properties!
18.) Give RUN ...Acc/M.Acc+30...seriously, it's just fine.
19.) Give COR ...R.Acc/M.Acc+30 ...another job that's just fine. (Extra roll would be asking too much).
20.) Give GEO -ra spell.
21.) Give BRD ...the ability to add 3/4 songs with out the need for a dummy song.
22.) Give NIN ...a fighting chance.

I'm not even going start with Ochain/Daurdable. ...but, come on, SE!