I know name/shaming/witch hunting isnt allowed, but can we take a minute to talk about the giant afk elephant in the room?

I did a quick tour of marjame ravine and found every lair had 1-2 people at it. No one responded to tells, and they stayed there for 48+ hours at a time.

I check when i wake up at 5 am, when i get home at 4 pm, and before bed at 10pm.

So I wonder to myself how prevalent the problem is so i did a quick survey and found the same issue in kamhir drift, and morimar basalt. Even to a lesser extent in inner/outer raz.

A seemingly endless supply of people drinking enough red bull to kill the same lair every 5 minutes for 24/7.

Now i have taken to STF to report said people a few times. In fact, every day for almost a month straight. And guess what, my list of over 20+ people who do this 24/7 are still there.

So my only conclusion is this activity must be allowed. I've heard in the past this was punished and people recieved bans, but I am just not seeing it.