The npc Emporox wants Crystal Petrifact after the 100 merit points. For us older players most of us collected the Crystal Petrifact and turned them into the glimmering ??? in Walk of Echoes for Kupofried's corundum. We did this as they only stacked to 99 and was the use for it. Now with Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, they have another use but once they were traded to the ??? they became Kupofried's corundum.

SE I think there should be a system to convert Kupofried's corundum back to Crystal Petrifact as not many do Provenance Watcher anymore. So that we can use the items we did collect at a time for the new use that was added.

Unless this is the way SE intends to FORCE us older players to do content that we no longer want to do.