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Here's some more from me
1) New Main City Rank Missions. After eleven years, you would think we would have had this by now. I know SE is busy working on new quests/missions for the SoA expansion, but the main cities have become long forgotten. It's like everything occurring in the main three cities just stop at rank 10. Not sure how correct my math is with Vana'diel time, but I think a year in Vana'diel time is like a month Real life/Earth Time. So it would be nice to see what's going on in the lives of certain main city npcs since the end of the rank 10 missions. Even Jeuno could be involved seeing as how with Kam'lanaut no longer the Grand Duke after the events in RoTZ, there has yet to be a new Grand Duke named. So while it'll probably be awhile until after Adoulin is finish, breathing new life into the main cities would be nice.
2) Resurrect Kazham. Kazham, oh my dear Kazham, oh how do I have memories of taking up camp inside the small Mithran Village while waiting for a party invite. Chasing/following around the roaming Opo-opo npc while waiting for a party invite. What happened? SE has completely purged all knowledge of Kazham's existence. When the "Ease of Exploration" moogle power was added, Kazham was nowhere to be found on the list. Even with the addition of the waypoints, Kazham is not an option in the list. I wonder if new players to the game even know that this forgotten place even exists. There hasn't even been a decent up to date quest placed in Kazham since lord knows when. My suggestion, SE please remember that Kazham and the Elshimo area does still exist. Can we see some new life given to Kazham, some new npcs, new quests maybe? Give us reason to return here after we're done with the Elshimo/Ifrit's Cauldron/Sea Serpent Grotto portion of our AF quests and after we've finished the RoTZ quests not to mention Ifrit Trial quest and the teleport scroll quest. Because after that what other reason do we have to come here when we can just OP warp to the ones in either Elshimo Uplands/Lowlands?
3) Campaign Battles and Besieged expansions When these were released for their respective expansions, despite the lag issues, were great ideas. They were what made the game fun and made you feel like you were apart of the game's story/lore. But in typical SE fashion, they are forgotten and become over-shadowed, by newer content that eventually meet the same fate. I know this has been mentioned before, but it would be nice to see these type of events expanded to the present main city areas or something like that. Beastmen lurk right outside of the four main cities not to mention the Beastmen strongholds that inhabit the area not to far off, and I find it weird that they haven't tried to attack. For successful completion of these battles, the player would receive a nice reward.
4) PvP Let's be honest, PvP in XI has never really shined its brightest. Back when XI was at it's peak, it's shining era...I remember SE use to have Ballista or Brenner tournaments. Over the years, the idea for PvP was lost and forgotten. It made a brief reappearance in the form of Pankatron, but that never really went anywhere. With the introduction of Belligerency, PvP in XI makes a reappearance once more, but...I rarely see anyone taking part in this. My suggestion, make PvP worth doing. Give people a reason to want to do PvP. Reintroduce the tournaments at the yearly Vana'Festivals. Or better yet have a yearly tournament where the champions of each region meet for the final championship match at Vana'Fest.
5)Chocobo Raising/Racing Chocobo breeding and racing gives me the biggest headache. Why? Because you have so little control over the chocobo that you bred and worked hard to raise. Starting with breeding a chocobo, everyone has a yellow chocobo chick until it reaches it adolescent stage where you begin to see the colors of its feathers. The frustrating part of this is, you have to be careful of what you feed you chick if you're going for a certain color. What makes this worse is the chances of receiving a blue/black/red/green chocobo are pretty much very slim. And what happened to the white chocobo? What is SE racist against Albino Chocobos? I mean it's in the dats, so why can't we get one? Suggestion, SE please make it easier to obtain a blue/black/red/green chocobo without having to buy and raise 20-30 eggs. Moving into Chocobo Racing. Why was this even introduced if we weren't even going to have any form of control over our chocobos? What makes it worse is that the rewards aren't even worthwhile. Suggestion, Give us a reason to explore and actually enjoy this content. Allow us to have more control over what our chocobo does (ie: sprinting, items used by the jockey riding our chocobos). And introduce items worth doing to content for such as items that allow you to permanently increase your chocobo's stats or allow to increase their movement speed when riding them. SE brings in some great content, but then either doesn't execute it right or just lets it fade into obscurity.
I'll probably have some more suggestions later, but that's what I could think of at the time.