Ferry schedules are a vestige of a design paradigm that Final Fantasy XI no longer lives by. Back when travel was slow and the world was large, having to wait 15 minutes for the next boat made sense - it was still faster than taking a chocobo from town to town and it made the world feel more "alive."
Nowadays though, you have two separate options to travel from Mhaura to Selbina in less than three minutes - and one of those is ostensibly by boat, with a layover in Norg. Taking the ferry might feel like part of a grand adventure when you're starting at low levels, but at higher levels it just feels like a grand inconvenience.
There should be a key item or NPC which allows players who complete a quest or purchase the key item to warp directly to any of the Mhaura<->Selbina, Mhaura<->Al Zahbi, and Al Zahbi<->Nashmau ferries - and if it's not possible for this to allow a player to choose to encounter pirates on a route between Mhaura and Selbina, there should be an item analogous to Mnejing's Receiver that makes it possible to know when boarding a ferry will allow them to have that encounter, because spending eight hours boarding boats only to encounter absolutely no pirates is not respectful of the players' time and there's no need for that to be a thing in modern Final Fantasy XI.
(An even better solution would be to have a perpetual boat ride option for each ferry route that you can just board and never get dropped off at any towns until you choose to disembark, but there's probably some concern with that making things just too easy for fishers, and it would probably require new zones to be added for those boats.)
Perhaps a crazy suggestion (As usual....which kills the vibes)
Liked the Dragon Quest Event. What if there were more of those?
Example, crossover BCNMs. Stick a SE character from other franchises like Barret in a city or BCNM entrance, and battle a respective foe of theirs for rewards. So, it does not require creating an entire zone, or DLC.........not too many resources being used, etc.
Please create a secondary source for Gallimaufry, such as the ability to purchase, with hallmarks, 200k Gallimaufry every Ambuscade cycle (i.e. every month).
Ambuscade lets you purchase all the other currencies needed for various ultimate weapon upgrades. It would be consistent with that if progress towards prime weapons could also be accelerated via Ambuscade.
Please adjust auto follow, so that when a player changes weapons/equipment that both auto follow and auto run cancels.
Or simply allow the player to continue to follow the player even after “blinking” when changing armor.
Please adjust trusts “collision detection” so they are not able to “spin” on top of your character when they are too close to the character and are “inside the players hit box.”
Thank you.
(This can be experienced when summoning trusts in a tight area.)
As long as you don't, for example... melee with a sword but shoot holding a dagger, causing one of your equipped weapon types to change and forcing a blink anyway.
There's also a related issue of "oh, the monster I was fighting died while I wasn't looking. And now I've run right into the middle of all its friends." Lockstyle won't fix that, but having /follow halt movement when the target is lost would.
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