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  1. #3051
    Player Eth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    So it's a matter of closeness. In other words, the time required to get there.

    It is fine. It's not a big deal, a few seconds of black screen never hurt anybody.

    If they did this it would frankly be stupid to leave those there. too many options can be a bad thing- more menu options to sift through and you can get confused about what is actually where.

    There's a fine line between quality of life and just plain laziness. We've had more ridiculous proposals than this, like putting a home point and vendors in the mog house so you basically never have to leave it. Better yet, let's just make the game one big box and just spawn bosses in it when we want to fight something.

    This is hyperbole, yes, but when you give people an inch, they take a mile.

    It would improve my quality of life if they gave me infinite gil and removed all wait times for all content- until I did all of it of course. then I'd be bored. See, this is why MMOs have limitations.
    And there is that false dichotomy peddling again, where wanting to mitigate a nuisance equals giving everyone infinite gil.

    Contrary to your "MMOs have limitations" rhetoric, zone delays are not an intended game mechanic, and they are also not a form of content time-gating. They are an unfortunate side effect of legacy hardware and bandwidth limitations. Nothing more.

  2. #3052
    Player Zenion's Avatar
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    I hate having to run to the zone line in Den of Rancor to Cloister of Tides, and then to the protocrystal to fight Leviathan. There should be a home point right next to the protocrystal.

  3. #3053
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    I hate having to move 3 feet from the Home Point crystal to the Moogle in Norg. Please move them closer together so I can change jobs directly from the Home Point.
    It's your server.

  4. #3054
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    And there is that false dichotomy peddling again,
    You keep saying it, but it's not false, so your response means nothing. I explicitly stated it was hyperbole to make a point- a point that is wooshing right over you, apparently. Clearly, Catmato undestands.

    What you are asking for is not just "quality of life." You may be of the opinion that you're not asking for much, but I disagree. And when you ask for this much, people will then ask for more after- once you get used to a "higher" quality of life, eventually it's not good enough and it needs to be increased again. It's happened throughout the game's history.

    Yes, I know you're not explicitly asking for the game to be made braindead easy, but it's a step in that direction and that's enough for me to oppose it when considering how easy travel already is. Your request is silly at best. There are already home points close enough. There are tons of home points all over vana'diel, and there are at most a small handful of places where I might feel like this is lacking, and the locations you named are not among them.

    You used to have to bum teleports off of white mages back in the day, and now you can teleport just about anywhere you've already been via home points, tomes, and other systems. I think that's plenty good enough.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-01-2025 at 12:41 PM.

  5. #3055
    Player Shuramura's Avatar
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    Please fix the conquest point redeem menu to not close on item purchase like what you did with the sparks of emeinence menus.

  6. #3056
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    Please add flan type mobs to Ra'Kaznar, that do not cast magic, have low evasion and very high health.

    We really do need more skillup type mobs in the game, everyone uses Uragnite currently but there are not enough and we need more locations to skillup in.

    Skilling up weapons and magic, as well as unlocking latents are a big part of the game and we need more monsters made for this purpose.

  7. #3057
    Player Alhanelem's Avatar
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    "please add easy punching bags."

    Really? You can skill up off anything you can kill for EXP/CAP. That's how it's always been done. If skilling up is trivial, then there isn't any reason to have it at all. There's no shortage of places you can kill things to gain skill on.

    Not to say they couldn't ease things a bit but i'd rather make tweaks to skill up rates instead.
    Last edited by Alhanelem; 01-16-2025 at 03:43 PM.

  8. #3058
    Player Catmato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by radar View Post
    Please add flan type mobs to Ra'Kaznar, that do not cast magic, have low evasion and very high health.

    We really do need more skillup type mobs in the game, everyone uses Uragnite currently but there are not enough and we need more locations to skillup in.

    Skilling up weapons and magic, as well as unlocking latents are a big part of the game and we need more monsters made for this purpose.
    Why flans that don't cast magic? Them being BLMs is kind of their thing. Slimes would make much more sense.
    It's your server.

  9. #3059
    Player Gwydion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catmato View Post
    I hate having to move 3 feet from the Home Point crystal to the Moogle in Norg. Please move them closer together so I can change jobs directly from the Home Point.
    I still think we should have a Home Point#2 at Kazham AH. (Every other town has one).
    Please do not consider my words to be malicious.

  10. #3060
    Player Gwydion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhanelem View Post
    "please add easy punching bags."

    Really? You can skill up off anything you can kill for EXP/CAP. That's how it's always been done. If skilling up is trivial, then there isn't any reason to have it at all. There's no shortage of places you can kill things to gain skill on.

    Not to say they couldn't ease things a bit but i'd rather make tweaks to skill up rates instead.
    I think you are simply arguing for the sake of arguing. Have you looked at the Urganites in Ceizak and Yahse? There's maybe, only 7-8 mobs in total and people claim them 24/7/365. They use them for both combat and magic skill-ups, WS trials and even automatons. This is a very fair request and I don't think you actually play this game.
    Please do not consider my words to be malicious.

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