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  1. #11
    Player Vivivivi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draylo View Post
    No quest icons... please. Leave that crap to WoW and FFXIV, it makes the game look so ugly.
    I agree, and also it's part of what makes FFXI feel more immersive. Not on rails. (Oh no now I'm talking like Cait Sith)

    Widescan for all jobs is definitely helpful in locating quest NPCs, and rather that quest icons floating over NPCs heads (ugly), I would welcome an active quest magical maps marker category. I realize this might be a difficult feature to implement however.

    After playing FFXIV for months and coming back to XI, the things I appreciate immensely about XI is it's simplicity in certain regards. The lack of people jumping up and down for no reason in cities, lack of icons over virtually every NPCs head, really make Vana'diel feel like a more civilized, relaxing world to interact with.

    On the otherhand, looking at my quest log, there must be hundreds of quests I started and haven't finished because I either didn't know I started them, don't have clear instructions in the log, or while out adventuring, completely pass by a random ??? that I might need to click on because it doesn't visually appear.

    My 2 cents: No to floaty icons over npcs heads, yes to quest map markers, yes to labelling ???'s in the field either literally with "???" text or a sparkly glow like the Lost Articles in Ulbuka.

  2. #12
    Player Lithera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfchakan View Post
    If they added quest icons, almost every single non-vendor NPC in the game would be marked by now.

    It would look pretty atrocious.
    It wouldn't have to be anywhere but on the map. Also for the non repeaters the icon would go away after you finished that line. Also if not icons again what better way to make knowing where to go who else to talk to or what to get once you get a quest easier to do or follow. I know you are not being literal about which npcs would or wouldn't have an icon, but don't just complain and not give an idea on how to make this old girl of a game better if you don't like or agree with the one offered.

  3. #13
    Player Lithera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draylo View Post
    How about they just talk to the NPCs to see if they offer a quest? It is the same in any previous FF game, there were no quest icons in the series outside of 14.
    You had quest icons in twelve and thirteen.

  4. #14
    Player Vivivivi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draylo View Post
    How about they just talk to the NPCs to see if they offer a quest? It is the same in any previous FF game, there were no quest icons in the series outside of 14.
    Except FFXI has exponentially more quests than any other Final Fantasy game (possibly even combined– seriously, I think FFXI has over one thousand quests).

  5. #15
    Player Lithera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivivivi View Post
    After playing FFXIV for months and coming back to XI, the things I appreciate immensely about XI is it's simplicity in certain regards. The lack of people jumping up and down for no reason in cities, lack of icons over virtually every NPCs head, really make Vana'diel feel like a more civilized, relaxing world to interact with.
    Because dance spamming and running around your party because you're bored while waiting for your event to actually happen is soo different than people jumping around because of the same thing in XIV.

  6. #16
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    I don't think that it should be visibly present icons above a NPC's head or something like that, if anything, I would opt for one or both of these solutions.

    A: Have a new marker color such as red for quests, or simply recycle the hardly used green we have now, with these markers we should be able to talk to a NPC who can mark all currently available quests on our map with these markers. The location of this NPC should be somewhat easy to find out, rather than making it hard to find like how Trust can be for anyone who doesn't read the update notes. When progressing in a quest new markers could be placed on your maps accordingly and the old ones removed, as to keep your map up to date on the quest in progress and inform you of your next traveling location. This marker system would not annoy people who are not in need of it, it would not clutter, and it would only really end up helping people, the difficulty in this option I fear is implementing it, as SE may have problems with actually getting it in the game.

    B: Make the quest log more comprehensive. The quest log could not possibly be more vague with its descriptions of what you are expected to do, if the quest descriptions were made more like how RoE is displayed, with some accurate information as to your objectives, that would easily help people complete them. If the quest log displayed positions for NPCs or at least told you what zone to look in, it would make it much easier to understand and complete, rather than the NPC only giving hints as to the location you need to go and at the same time providing no help if you need to stop during a quest and forget where you were. By adding a list format as well, they could put something like a hollow circle next to each objective and replace it with something like a star upon completion so a person knows exactly where they are in a quest when coming back to it. This again seems like it would be a lot of work on SE's part and may not be possible because the quest system is quite old and it would take time to redo it probably, though it is just the display and may be easier than it sounds.

  7. #17
    Community Rep Camate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mnejing View Post
    It's been brought up several times already but:
    Reduce Missions and Quest delays that involves waiting after Japanese midnight to proceed.

    Below is a comment from Akihiko Matsui about this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akihiko_Matsui View Post
    The reason behind the requirement of waiting until midnight JST for missions and quests was to set the stage for the storyline as well as to alleviate congestion. However, play styles have changed for FFXI and I think there would be no issue if we removed this requirement.

    However, if we were to get rid of the requirements associated with the storyline it would be contradictive, and we need to address these one by one, so we will first start by addressing the aspects without any issues. Please give us a bit of time to work on this.
    Devin "Camate" Casadey - Community Team

  8. #18
    Player Lithera's Avatar
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    Thanks camate! Keep up the awesome job replying to two different games forums. Also thanks for the response.

  9. #19
    Player Feary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evogolist View Post
    It's fine that you don't like the quest icons and you have every right not to as well as every right to express your opinion, but what about everyone else? Staying on topic, XI is very vague in telling you who's a quest npc and where or who to go to next. Like I said without a proper up to date guide, you're pretty much out of luck, especially for newer players coming in who don't know anything about FFXIclopedia, FFXIZAM, or any other website that offers guides/walkthroughs for the game. So my question to you is, if quest icons are not a good choice/option, then what would be a better way to help players locate quest NPCs?

    it is much easier and in the long run much more practical for them(newer Players) to learn about wiki etc.

    it would be a waste of time and resources. we have large issues than quest icons and storage...

    i mean really look how long it takes them to implement all recent content. everything is sectioned off and split up.

    what we really need is content with better gameplay. content that is long lasting. real updates. so that give us a wide spectrum of content to do that will last for 6 months+ for linkshells. bring back the camaraderie.

    so here is my suggestion to what the game content overall should be like.

    i will probably miss something but im sure you guys will get the idea.

    solo only
    farming gil via syntesis mats, proc dynamis, salvage,

    6man and below
    orb *NMs
    coalition assignment.

    12 man and below

    higher tier vw.

    Wildkeeper reives

    here is my suggestions

    Update ZNM to 3 tiers
    take pictures for zeni

    6 man tier
    purchase NM pops from npc with pictures.
    3 to 6 different NMs in the tier. based on Toau Bestiary.
    drop accessories updated from previous ZNMs.
    possiblities to drop single alexandrites.
    synthesis materials relation to update gear for next tier(s). must be crafted by multiple guilds.
    upon defeat of nm, everyone in party gets a KI.

    12 man tier
    harder NMs for 12 man groups
    NM pops from combination of KIs
    3-9 different nms
    drop accessories updated from previous ZNMs
    drops 1-4 Alexandrites.
    upon defeat of nm, everyone in party gets a KI.

    18 man tier
    harder nms for 18 man groups
    nm pops from combination of KI from previous tiers/path.
    drops updated ilvld enkidu, aurum, oracle.
    drops 1 alexandrite pouch 100%

    we dont need any rewards directly from NPC like Delve or skirmish. Put us out there let us have fun killing NMs.

    the alex and new gear will give content drops for everyone and it will also push interest in mythics. its what everyone wants.

    Update Dynamis II - for 18 man groups
    adds zone based on beastman strong holds, davoi, castle oztorja, beadeuz
    maybe have new cop like zones from toau. like whitegate, al zahbi for accessories.

    Please bring back game elements where blms Sleepga, THF puller and have Traps. example. aggro a stone and 10 mobs spawn.

    alliance of players vs an alliance mobs. NM generals with new 1 hour abilities, just the ability to massacre larger amounts of mobs.

    we dont need reservations where one group can enter or 4 hours caps to the events. 1 hour-2hour time limit.

    We need better drop rates then dynamis was prior to proc update.

    maybe dynamis af gear +3 that augment newer JAs and Merit II abilities. mobs must have with better drop rates. 1/15 kills guarentee a random job drop.
    maybe add a currency similiar to plasm to purchase base items and upgrades from an NPC while allowing them to drop randomly in zones. similar to delve.

    no need to update drop rates to relic currency. 0-3 per mob or just exclude it so that the players still have solo dynamis in the previous zones.

    revamp VW.

    add a path to vw from SOA that drops update/better gear, hmp/hmp pouches. cinders/dross
    require the base athos/rubeus and ogiers to update new gear.

    linkshell can grow and ppl can be trused to play with each other. there is enough solo content. s.e has done a great job in creating a foundation for solo casual play. updates to R.O.E Trust and monstrosity.

    Bring back Level cap fights - 6man

    Similiar to BCNMs but with a system that drops rare/ex and revamps gear 1-75. I think at this point most players didnt experience lower leveling and add difficulties like level caps will challenge older players and new players in the right way.

    it also sucks to do lower BCNM the drops are rather useless and there is no space for holding level capped gear. if this rare.ex is added with slips there will be great depth added to the player base
    the rewards for these can be new lower gear sets, 4-5 tiers

    revamping gear with these models.
    20 lizard beetle trump gear etc

    30 bone noct

    50 jse?

    60 darksteel

    75 sky armor and sea accessories

    of course Delve II

    tree with plantiods
    hurkan with birds
    and lion with beasts

    with these events im sure the playerbase will be happy and busy for a long time.
    we didnt need delve to give us 60k plasm it made it so easier to complete the content after 3 zone wins. just tone down the drop rates/ rewards. give yourself more time to develop the game which we are busy murdering mobs/NMs.
    Last edited by Feary; 01-18-2014 at 08:21 AM.

  10. #20
    Player Olor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evogolist View Post

    5)Chocobo Raising/Racing Chocobo breeding and racing gives me the biggest headache. Why? Because you have so little control over the chocobo that you bred and worked hard to raise. Starting with breeding a chocobo, everyone has a yellow chocobo chick until it reaches it adolescent stage where you begin to see the colors of its feathers. The frustrating part of this is, you have to be careful of what you feed you chick if you're going for a certain color. What makes this worse is the chances of receiving a blue/black/red/green chocobo are pretty much very slim. And what happened to the white chocobo? What is SE racist against Albino Chocobos? I mean it's in the dats, so why can't we get one? Suggestion, SE please make it easier to obtain a blue/black/red/green chocobo without having to buy and raise 20-30 eggs. Moving into Chocobo Racing. Why was this even introduced if we weren't even going to have any form of control over our chocobos? What makes it worse is that the rewards aren't even worthwhile. Suggestion, Give us a reason to explore and actually enjoy this content. Allow us to have more control over what our chocobo does (ie: sprinting, items used by the jockey riding our chocobos). And introduce items worth doing to content for such as items that allow you to permanently increase your chocobo's stats or allow to increase their movement speed when riding them. SE brings in some great content, but then either doesn't execute it right or just lets it fade into obscurity.
    Um, I've never bred a chocobo from two coloured parents and not had it turn out the same colour. If you want a red choco breed two red chocos together. I've never heard/read anything about feed changing the chances of different colours.

    HOWEVER. Choco raising needs to be improved/simplified. I'd like it to become WORTH doing even slightly by making it so that a raised choco CANNOT be slower than a rented one, but they can be faster (so the opposite of now, where you need to breed/raise a choco perfectly to get it the SAME speed as a rental). I love pulling out my blue choco but it sucks that I need to rent when I'm riding with friends because he can't keep up. Also choco items for GIL on NPCs please. Chocobucks are not a useful currency.

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