Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    About the Trust Initiative

    • "Trust” is a new type of magic engineered by scholars at the Jeuno Institute of Magical Studies. Participants are able to draw upon the powers of friendship and trust to call forth alter egos of those with whom they have formed special bonds.
      Name:  vup001.jpg
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Conditions and Methods for Acquiring Trust Magic

    • Requirements for Participation
      • Adventurers must be level 5 or higher to undertake these quests.
        * Once a Trust spell has been acquired, it can be used at any level.
    • Acquiring Trust Magic
      • Receiving the Initiation Quest
        Players wishing to join the initiative and learn Trust spells must first undertake a quest to learn what the magic entails.
        The first trust spell will become available as the quest progresses.
        NPCs in the following locations are able to start players on the path to glory:
        • San d’Oria
          Gondebaud (Southern San d’Oria (L-6))
          Name:  vup003.jpg
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Size:  47.4 KB
          Available alter ego: Excenmille
        • Bastok
          Clarion Star (Port Bastok (K-7))
          Name:  vup004.jpg
Views: 200
Size:  46.8 KB
          Available alter ego: Naji
        • Windurst
          Wetata (Windurst Woods (G-10))
          Name:  vup005.jpg
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          Available alter ego: Kupipi
          • Notes for Participants
            • Only one initiation quest may be active at any given time.
            • Completing an initiation quest in one city will allow the player to undertake the initiation quests in the other nations.
            • Once the player has completed their first initiation quest, the corresponding quests in the remaining nations will be shorter in length, as the player will already be well-versed in the ins and outs of Trust. Completing the quests will enable the player to learn a new Trust spell.
            • The initial tutorial quest may be undertaken in any of the three nations without any regard to home nation or citizenship.
            • Acquired Trust spells will appear in the player’s magic list.
    • Acquiring other Trust spells
      New quests to acquire Trust spells can be acquired after completing the initiation quest and fulfilling certain conditions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    NPCs Whose Alter Egos May Be Summoned

    • NPCs Whose Alter Egos May Be Summoned
      The following list represents those NPCs available as of December 10, 2014.
      See here for Alter Egos that were added after January 10, 2015.
      * Additional NPCs will be made available in subsequent version updates.
      * Combat stratagems for these NPCs may be changed and/or adjusted in the future.
      * Certain NPCs may not be available depending on the player's progress in various mission storylines. Proceeding further should enable the player to acquire them normally.

      Name Combat Stratagem Method of Acquisition
      Name:  vup006.jpg
Views: 187
Size:  19.3 KB Excenmille Melee Fighter Complete the San d’Oria Trust initiation quest
      Name:  vup007.jpg
Views: 173
Size:  20.4 KB Naji Melee Fighter Complete the Bastok Trust initiation quest
      Name:  vup008.jpg
Views: 152
Size:  23.6 KB Kupipi Healer Complete the Windurst Trust initiation quest
      Name:  vup009.jpg
Views: 157
Size:  21.9 KB Curilla Tank Complete the San d’Oria Trust initiation quest
      *See below
      Name:  vup010.jpg
Views: 152
Size:  19.2 KB Ayame Melee Fighter Complete the Bastok Trust initiation quest
      *See below
      Name:  vup011.jpg
Views: 136
Size:  19.9 KB Nanaa Mihgo Melee Fighter Complete the Windurst Trust initiation quest
      Complete the quest "Mihgo’s Amigo”
      *See below
      Name:  vup011.jpg
Views: 133
Size:  20.1 KB Zeid Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Zeid key item to the appropriate NPC*** This item can be acquired during Repeat Login Campaign No. 6.
      Name:  vup013.jpg
Views: 127
Size:  25.9 KB Trion Tank Be in possession of the San d’Oria Trust Permit key item
      **See below
      Examine the Door: Prince Royal’s Rm in Chateau d’Oraguille (H-7) after having fulfilled the previous conditions.
      Name:  vup014.jpg
Views: 135
Size:  19.9 KB Volker Melee Fighter Be in possession of the Bastok Trust Permit key item
      **See below
      Speak to Lucius in the Metalworks (J-9) after fulfilling the other prerequisites
      Name:  vup015.jpg
Views: 136
Size:  18.8 KB Ajido-Marujido Offensive Caster Be in possession of the Windurst Trust Permit key item
      **See below
      Speak to Apururu in Windurst Woods (H-9) after fulfilling the other prerequisites
      Name:  vup016.jpg
Views: 134
Size:  23.3 KB Shantotto Offensive Caster Be in possession of the Windurst Trust Permit key item
      Name:  vup017.jpg
Views: 121
Size:  27.5 KB Tenzen Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Tenzen item**** to the appropriate NPC***
      * This item can be acquired during New Year’s Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup018.jpg
Views: 132
Size:  21.2 KB Mihli Aliapoh Healer Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Mihli item**** to the appropriate NPC***
      * This item can be acquired during New Year’s Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup019.jpg
Views: 133
Size:  20.5 KB Valaineral Tank Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Valaineral item**** to the appropriate NPC***
      * This item can be acquired during New Year’s Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup020.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  19.1 KB Joachim Healer Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Joachim item**** to the appropriate NPC***
      * This item can be acquired during New Year’s Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup021.jpg
Views: 137
Size:  20.6 KB Lion Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Lion item to the appropriate NPC***
      * This item can be acquired during Repeat Login Campaign No. 7.
      Name:  vup022.jpg
Views: 115
Size:  19.6 KB Naja Salaheem Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the item "Cipher: Naja" to the appropriate NPC. Cipher: Naja can be obtained as a reward in Repeat Login Campaign No. 8.
      Name:  vup023.jpg
Views: 126
Size:  24.4 KB Prishe Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "The Chains Fall Free" originating in Lufaise Meadows and view the related event.
      * Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if the quests "Storms of Fate" or "Shadows of the Departed" are in progress or if "Apocalypse Nigh" is in progress and the event scene occurring in Sealion's Den is not completed.
      Examine the Walnut Door in Tavnazian Safehold (K-7) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup024.jpg
Views: 103
Size:  19.6 KB Ulmia Support Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Dawn".
      * Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if currently progressing with "Storms of Fate", from the point that the event in Misareaux Coast occurs until they have completed the "Riverne-Site#B01" battlefield event.
      Examine the Dilapidated Gate in Misareaux Coast (I-11) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup025.jpg
Views: 125
Size:  18.1 KB Iron Eater Melee Fighter Acquire the alter egos of Naji, Ayame, and Volker.
      Be in possession of the Bastok Trust permit.
      Speak to Iron Eater in the Metalworks (J-8) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup026.jpg
Views: 134
Size:  22.6 KB Gadalar Offensive Caster Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the quest "Embers of His Past".
      Speak to Fari-Wari in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup031.jpg
Views: 678
Size:  20.3 KB Lehko Habhoka Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the Cipher: Lehko key item**** to the appropriate NPC***.
      * This item can be acquired during Repeat Login Campaign No. 9.
      Name:  vup027.jpg
Views: 114
Size:  20.0 KB Cherukiki Healer Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Chains and Bonds."
      * Cherukiki's alter ego may not be acquired between the time the mission "The Warrior's Path" is offered and the boss of the mission "Dawn" is defeated.
      Speak with Taillegeas in Ru'Lude Gardens (I-7) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup028.jpg
Views: 114
Size:  22.7 KB Nashmeira Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Eternal Mercenary."
      Examine the Imperial Whitegate in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup029.jpg
Views: 111
Size:  21.4 KB Zazarg Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the quest "Fist of the People."
      Speak with Fari-Wari in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      * Zazarg's alter ego may not be acquired if he is being held prisoner by beastmen forces in Beseiged.
      Name:  vup030.jpg
Views: 114
Size:  17.9 KB Ingrid Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "The Merciless One."
      * Ingrid's alter ego may not be acquired between the time the mission "Beauty and the Beast" is undertaken and the mission "Glimmer of Portent" is completed.
      Speak with Rigobertine in Eastern Adoulin (I-7) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup033.jpg
Views: 113
Size:  20.4 KB Ovjang Offensive Caster Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Ovjang”**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Ovjang will become available through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup031.jpg
Views: 105
Size:  22.9 KB Mnejing Tank Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Mnejing”**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Mnejing will become available through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup032.jpg
Views: 103
Size:  19.2 KB Sakura
      Support Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Sakura”**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Sakura will become available through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup034.jpg
Views: 113
Size:  6.0 KB Luzaf Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Luzaf item to the appropriate NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through the Tenth Repeat Login Campaign。
      Name:  vup035.jpg
Views: 118
Size:  21.2 KB Maat Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the quest "Shattering Stars" on at least six jobs.
      * Blue mages, corsairs, puppetmasters, dancers, scholars, geomancers, and rune fencers cannot accept this quest.
      Speak with Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) after fulfilling the above
      Name:  vup036.jpg
Views: 120
Size:  23.1 KB Gessho Tank Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Passing Glory."
      Examine the cushion in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-12) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup038.jpg
Views: 103
Size:  24.1 KB Najelith Ranged Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Najelith” to the relevant NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through Repeat Login Campaign No. 11.
      Name:  vup037.jpg
Views: 111
Size:  20.8 KB Aldo Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Aldo” to the relevant NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through the Twelfth Anniversary Adventurer Appreciation Campaign.
      Name:  vup039.jpg
Views: 125
Size:  18.1 KB Moogle
      Support Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Moogle” to the relevant NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through the Twelfth Anniversary Adventurer Appreciation Campaign.
      Name:  vup040.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  22.8 KB Fablinix Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Fablinix” to the relevant NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through the Twelfth Anniversary Adventurer Appreciation Campaign.
      Name:  vup041.jpg
Views: 106
Size:  22.5 KB
      Domino Shantotto
      Offensive Caster Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Domina” to the relevant NPC**.
      * This item can be acquired through Repeat Login Campaign No. 12.
      Name:  vup042.jpg
Views: 93
Size:  15.9 KB Elivira Ranged Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Elivira”******* to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup043.jpg
Views: 107
Size:  21.9 KB Noillurie Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Noillurie”******* to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup044.jpg
Views: 98
Size:  25.1 KB Lhu Mhakaracca Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Lhu”******* to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup045.jpg
Views: 107
Size:  19.6 KB Ferreous Coffin Healer Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: F. Coffin”******* to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  vup046.jpg
Views: 90
Size:  43.9 KB
      Star Sibyl
      Support Trade the item “Cipher: S. Sibyl”** to the relevant NPC.

      This item can be acquired through the July Login Campaign.
      Name:  20140729.jpg
Views: 86
Size:  6.7 KB Mumor Melee Fighter Speak to one of the moogles.
      in one of the following locations after fulfilling the conditions: Northern San d’Oria (G-8) /Bastok Markets (I-7) / Windurst Walls (G-11).

      * The relevant moogles will only appear during the Sunbreeze Festival.
      Name:  vup049.jpg
Views: 101
Size:  8.2 KB Uka Totlihn Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Uka"** to the relevant NPC.
      This item can be acquired through the August 2014 Login Campaign.
      Name:  vup050.jpg
Views: 87
Size:  22.6 KB Rainemard Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Be in possession of the "bundle of scrolls" key item.
      Speak with Shanene in Batallia Downs [S] (J-7) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup051.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  21.7 KB Excenmille [S] Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Be in possession of the "bundle of scrolls" key item.
      Complete the quest “Face of the Future.”
      Speak with Rholont in Southern San d'Oria [S] (E-7) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup052.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  19.2 KB Klara Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Be in possession of the "bundle of scrolls" key item.
      Complete the quest "Bonds of Mythril."
      Speak with Gentle Tiger in Bastok Markets [S] (H-6) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Name:  vup053.jpg
Views: 94
Size:  19.4 KB Romaa Mihgo Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Be in possession of the "bundle of scrolls" key item.
      Complete the quest "At Journey's End."
      Speak with Romaa Mihgo in Windurst Waters [S] (G-11) after fulfilling the above prerequisites.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	vup054.jpg
Views:	5676
Size:	4.1 KB
ID:	10328 Kuyin Hathdenna Support Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Ciphers: Kuyin"** to the relevant NPC.
      This item can be acquired through the September 2014 Login Campaign.
      Name:  20141001_01.jpg
Views: 90
Size:  43.0 KB Rahal Tank Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Rahal”**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Rahal will become available through the Autumn Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  20141001_02.jpg
Views: 100
Size:  42.0 KB Koru-Moru Support Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Koru-Moru"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Koru-Moru will become available through the Autumn Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  20141001_03.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  35.2 KB Cid Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Cid"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Cipher: Cid will become available through the Autumn Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Lilisette.jpg
Views: 85
Size:  39.0 KB Lilisette Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Complete the quest "A Forbidden Reunion,”
      Trade the item "Cipher: Lilisette"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      Name:  vup059.jpg
Views: 84
Size:  22.0 KB Karaha-Baruha Healer Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Karaha"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the October 2014 Login Campaign.
      Name:  vup060.jpg
Views: 82
Size:  19.7 KB Babban Melee Fighter Complete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the item "Cipher: Babban"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the Sunshine Seeker event.
      Name:  vup061.jpg
Views: 100
Size:  23.0 KB Abenzio Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Abenzio"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the November 2014 Login Campaign.
      Name:  vup062.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  20.3 KB Rughadjeen Tank Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Rughadjeen"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the December 2014 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Gilgamesh.jpg
Views: 86
Size:  49.4 KB Gilgamesh Melee Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Gilgamesh"******* to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the New Year Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Kukki-Chebukki.jpg
Views: 107
Size:  44.9 KB Kukki-Chebukki Caster Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Kukki"**** to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the New Year Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Margret.jpg
Views: 93
Size:  51.9 KB Margret Ranged Fighter Complete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Margret"********* to the relevant NPC**.
      This item can be acquired through the New Year Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      * One of the following missions must be completed:
      San d’Oria: Journey Abroad
      Bastok: The Emissary
      Windurst: The Three Kingdoms
      ** One of the following missions must be completed.
      San d’Oria: The Shadow Lord
      Bastok: Xarcabard, Land of Truths
      Windurst: The Shadow Awaits
      *** The appropriate item may only be traded to the NPC whose initiation quest you have completed.
      They can be found in the following locations.
      Gondebaud in Southern San d’Oria (L-6)
      Clarion Star in Port Bastok (K-7)
      Wetata in Windurst Woods (G-10)
      **** The items needed to summon their respective alter egos can be acquired by exchanging the following types of currency with the NPC with which you can normally exchange that currency.
      • Currency and Item Name
        • Assault points: Ovjang, Cipher: Mnejing
        • Fields of Valor points: Sakura
        • Conquest Points: Cipher: Tenzen
        • Imperial Standing: Cipher: Mihli
        • Allied Notes: Cipher: Valaineral
        • Cruor: Cipher: Joachim

      ***** Regarding Sakura:
      Sakura’s alter ego will not participate in battle, but instead will provide a regen effect and increase the rate of combat skill increase for characters in an area around her.
      * The regen effect stacks with a geomancer’s Indi-Regen and Geo-Regen spells.
      * The increased rate of combat skill gains stacks with food effects.

      ****** Regarding the Moogle
      The moogle’s alter ego will not participate in battle, but instead will provide a refresh effect and increase the rate of magic skill increase for characters in an area around him.
      * The refresh effect stacks with a geomancer’s Indi-Refresh and Geo-Refresh spells.
      * The increased rate of combat skill gains stacks with food effects.
    ******* These items can be acquired for either allied notes or sparks of eminence, depending.
    • NPCs capable of making the exchange, their location, and price they charge
      • Cipher: Elivira
        Shenni in Bastok Markets [S] (F-9)
        1,000 Allied Notes
      • Cipher: Noillurie
        Shixo in Southern San d'Oria [S] (F-9)
        1,000 Allied Notes
      • Cipher: Lhu
        Shuvo in Windurst Waters [S] (G-7)
        1,000 Allied Notes
      • Cipher: F. Coffin
        Various Records of Eminence representatives
        500 Sparks of Eminence
    ******** Players must speak to the moogle in the area for whom the conditions are met.

    ********* This item may be purchased from Ujlei Zelekko in Eastern Adoulin (F-7) in exchange for bayld.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011


    • Alter Ego Level and Attributes
      The summoned alter ego’s level and attributes vary based upon the summoning player’s level and/or item level.
      • Note: alter egos do not receive party bonuses.
    • Trust Magic Restrictions
      • Locations Where Trust Magic Can Be Used
        Trust spells cannot be cast in cities or locations where there is specific battle content*.
        A message will be displayed when attempting to call forth an alter ego in an invalid area.
        * Applies to Dynamis areas and other areas and instances where battlefields, Campaign, and other similar content occurs.
        * The scope of available areas may be expanded in the future.
      • Party and Alliance Restrictions
        Alter egos may only be summoned while solo.
        * Players who have summoned an alter ego may not be invited to parties or alliances.
        * Alter egos may become available in parties and alliances in the future.
      • Number of Simultaneously Summonable Alter Egos
        Name:  vup012.jpg
Views: 148
Size:  67.8 KB
        As of the February 18, 2014 version update, up to three alter egos may be summoned at once.
        Unlike pets and fellows, alter egos are considered party members.
      • Using Alter Egos in Reives
        Name:  vup013.jpg
Views: 141
Size:  63.3 KB
        Alter egos may be summoned in colonization, lair, and wildskeeper reives, but they will not receive momentum bonuses.
      • Summoning Multiple Copies of the Same Alter Ego
        Only one alter ego of a given NPC may be summoned at a time.
      • Trust Spell Recast Time
        Each Trust spell has its own recast time, and hence a given alter ego may not be re-summoned until the requisite amount of time has passed.
      • Summoning Alter Egos in Combat
        Alter egos may not be summoned while the player is engaged in combat.
      • Dismissing Alter Egos
        Alter egos will vanish upon logging out, changing zones, or falling in battle.
        They may also be dismissed manually by selecting "Release" from the action command menu.

  6. #6
    Community Rep Gildrein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    NPCs Whose Alter Egos May Be Summoned Part II

    • NPCs Whose Alter Egos May Be Summoned
      The following list represents those NPCs available as of July 21, 2021.
      See here for Alter Egos that were added before January 9, 2015.

      * Additional NPCs will be made available in subsequent version updates.
      * Combat stratagems for these NPCs may be changed and/or adjusted in the future.
      * Certain NPCs may not be available depending on the player's progress in various mission storylines. Proceeding further should enable the player to acquire them normally.

      Method of Acquisition
      Name:  Areuhat.jpg
Views: 120
Size:  63.6 KBAreuhatMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Areuhat" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the January 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Lhe.jpg
Views: 104
Size:  43.2 KBLhe LhangavoMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Lhe" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the Febraury 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Chacharoon.jpg
Views: 107
Size:  21.2 KBChacharoonMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the quest "Trial of the Chacharoon."
      Speak with Chacharoon in the rearing ground of the Mog Gardens after fulfilling the other prerequisites.
      Name:  Arciela.jpg
Views: 85
Size:  43.6 KBArcielaSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the Seekers of Adoulin missions and receive the final reward.
      Examine the Sandy Overlook in Ceizak Battlegrounds (J-10) after fulfilling the other prerequisites.
      Name:  Mayakov.jpg
Views: 99
Size:  50.2 KBMayakovMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Mayakov" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the March 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Qultada.jpg
Views: 88
Size:  27.4 KBQultadaSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Qultada" ** to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Adelheid.jpg
Views: 80
Size:  48.3 KBAdelheidCasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Adelheid" *** to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Amchuchu .jpg
Views: 79
Size:  37.3 KBAmchuchuTankComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Amchuchu" **** to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Brygid.jpg
Views: 99
Size:  30.6 KBBrygidSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Brygid" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the April 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Mildaurion.jpg
Views: 81
Size:  28.5 KBMildaurionMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Mildaurion" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the May 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Semih.jpg
Views: 96
Size:  36.1 KBSemih LafihnaRanged FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the scenario "The Path Untraveled."
      *****See below
      Speak to Kupipi in the Heavens Tower after fulfilling the other prerequisites.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Semih" to the relevant NPC*.Trade the item "Cipher: Semih" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Halver.jpg
Views: 82
Size:  22.3 KBHalverMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the scenario "The Path Untraveled."
      *****See below
      Speak to Halver in the Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) after fulfilling the other prerequisites.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Halver" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Zeid_II.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  21.9 KBZeid IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the scenario "Ring My Bell."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Zeid II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Lion_II.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  35.1 KBLion IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the scenario "Fate's Call."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Lion II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Kupofried.jpg
Views: 101
Size:  30.7 KBKupofriedSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Kupofried" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the Thirteenth Anniversary Adventurer Appreciation Campaign.
      Name:  Rongelouts.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  18.1 KBRongeloutsMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Rongelouts" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the June 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Shikaree_Z.jpg
Views: 73
Size:  19.5 KBShikaree ZMelee FighterComplete the Windurst Trust initiation quest.
      Complete the mission "Three Paths."
      * After receiving the mission "One to Be Feared,", it will not be possible to obtain this alter ego between boarding the airship and meeting Shikaree Z again in "Chains and Bonds," nor between receiving the mission "The Warrior's Path" and defeating the final boss in the mission "Dawn."
      Name:  Leonoyne.jpg
Views: 78
Size:  25.0 KBLeonoyneOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Leonoyne"****** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Maximilian.jpg
Views: 76
Size:  25.3 KBMaximilianMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Maximilian"****** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Kayeel-Payeel.jpg
Views: 76
Size:  19.7 KBKayeel-PayeelOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Kayeel"****** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Robel-Akbel.jpg
Views: 80
Size:  33.2 KBRobel-AkbelOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Robel-Akbel" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the July 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Tenzen_II.jpg
Views: 70
Size:  36.5 KBTenzen IIRanged FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Call to Serve."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Tenzen II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Prishe_II.jpg
Views: 70
Size:  32.9 KBPrishe IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Numbering Days."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Prishe II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Nashmeira_II.jpg
Views: 82
Size:  33.8 KBNashmeira IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Reunited."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Nashmeira II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Lilisette_II.jpg
Views: 85
Size:  32.8 KBLilisette IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Sacrifice."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Lilisette II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Abquhbah.jpg
Views: 91
Size:  34.2 KBAbquhbahMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the missions "Ever Forward" and "President Salaheem."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Abquhbah" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Balamor.jpg
Views: 69
Size:  36.6 KBBalamorMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "Banished."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Balamor" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Selh'teus.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  41.4 KBSelh'teusMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the scenario "Both Paths Taken."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Selh'teus" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Ingrid_II.jpg
Views: 65
Size:  28.3 KBIngrid IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ingrid II" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the "Sinister Reign" battle content.
      Name:  August.jpg
Views: 90
Size:  32.5 KBAugustTankComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: August" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the "Sinister Reign" battle content.
      Name:  Rosulatia.jpg
Views: 81
Size:  37.6 KBRosulatiaOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Rosulatia" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired through the "Sinister Reign" battle content.
      Name:  Ullegore.jpg
Views: 94
Size:  33.9 KBUllegoreOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ullegore" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the August 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Mumor_II.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  35.4 KBMumor IIOffensive CasterSpeak to one of the moogles******* in one of the following locations after fulfilling the conditions: Northern San d'Oria (G-8) /Bastok Markets (I-7) / Windurst Walls (G-11).

      * The relevant moogles will only appear during the Sunbreeze Festival.
      Name:  Teodor.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  29.5 KBTeodorMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Teodor" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the September 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  Makki.jpg
Views: 86
Size:  23.6 KBMakki-ChebukkiRanged FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Makki"*** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Fall Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  King_of_Hearts.jpg
Views: 73
Size:  28.1 KBKing of HeartsSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: King"** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Fall Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Morimar.jpg
Views: 78
Size:  26.6 KBMorimarMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Morimar"**** to the relevant NPC
      This item can be acquired through the Fall Alter Ego Extravaganza.
      Name:  Darrcuiln.jpg
Views: 88
Size:  21.4 KBDarrcuilnMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Darrcuiln" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the October 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  ArcielaII.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  26.1 KBArciela IISupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "What He Left Behind."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Arciela II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  Iroha.jpg
Views: 85
Size:  21.5 KBIrohaMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "An Unending Song."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Iroha" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  IrohaII.jpg
Views: 73
Size:  41.8 KBIroha IIMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the mission "A Rhapsody for the Ages."
      Trade the item "Cipher: Iroha II" to the relevant NPC*.
      Name:  ShantottoII.jpg
Views: 86
Size:  23.2 KBShantotto IIOffensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Shantotto II" to the relevant NPC*.
      This item can be acquired through the November 2015 Login Campaign.
      Name:  AA-Galka.jpg
Views: 61
Size:  30.9 KBArk GKMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ark GK" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired by completing the Records of Eminence objective 3 "Quell Your Rage."
      Name:  AA-Elvaan.jpg
Views: 69
Size:  8.9 KBArk EVTankComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ark EV" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired by completing the Records of Eminence objective 3 "Temper Your Arrogance."
      Name:  AA_MR.jpg
Views: 73
Size:  39.2 KBArk MRMelee FighterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ark MR" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired by completing the Records of Eminence objective "Stifle Your Envy."
      Name:  AATT_Face.jpg
Views: 66
Size:  39.2 KB
      Ark TT
      Offensive CasterComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item "Cipher: Ark TT" to the relevant NPC*.
      * This item can be acquired by completing the Records of Eminence objective "Overcome Your Cowardice."
      Name:  Ygnas.jpg
Views: 59
Size:  39.7 KB
      HealerComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Complete the quest “The Arciela Directive.”
      Examine the Sandy Overlook in Ceizak Battlegrounds (J-10) after fulfilling the other prerequisites.
      Name:  Cornelia.jpg
Views: 69
Size:  26.1 KBCorneliaSupportComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Login, relog, or change areas after fulfilling the above conditions.
      * This alter ego has been added via the 15th Vana’versary The One I Can Trust Campaign and may only be called forth during the period between the September 2017 and May 2018 version updates.
      Read on for details.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	ArkHM.jpg
Views:	5207
Size:	4.2 KB
ID:	12022Ark HMTANKComplete one of the Trust initiation quests in either San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst.
      Trade the item “Cipher: Ark Angel HM” to the relevant NPC*.
      * Cipher: Ark Angel HM may be obtained by completing the Records of Eminence objective Eliminate Your Apathy.
      Name:  monberaux.jpg
Views: 18
Size:  19.8 KB[NEW]
      HealerComplete the initiation quest in either San d’Oria, Bastok, or Windurst
      Trade the Cipher: Monberaux item(*)to the appropriate NPC.
      * This item can be acquired for 480 deeds of heroism.
      Name:  matsui_P.jpg
Views: 23
Size:  20.4 KB[NEW]
      Melee FighterLog in or change areas during thetime period when the alter ego is available.
      * This alter ego was available as part of the Alter Ego Design Contest. He could be called forth from the December 2020 version update to the May 2021 version update.
      Read on for details.
      * The appropriate item may only be traded to the NPC whose initiation quest you have completed.
      They can be found in the following locations.
      Gondebaud in Southern San d’Oria (L-6)
      Clarion Star in Port Bastok (K-7)
      Wetata in Windurst Woods (G-10)
      ** These items can be acquired for either allied notes or sparks of eminence, depending.

      • Cipher: Qultada
        Various Records of Eminence representatives
        500 Sparks of Eminence
      • Cipher: King
        Various Records of Eminence representatives
        500 Sparks of Eminence

      *** The items needed to summon their respective alter egos can be acquired by exchanging the following types of currency with the NPC with which you can normally exchange that currency.
      • Currency and Item Name
        • Allied Notes: Adelheid
        • Conquest Points: Makki-Chebukki

      **** This item may be purchased from Ujlei Zelekko in Eastern Adoulin (F-7) in exchange for bayld.

      ***** One of the following missions must be completed:
      San d’Oria: Journey Abroad
      Bastok: The Emissary
      Windurst: The Three Kingdoms
      ****** These items can be acquired for either allied notes or sparks of eminence, depending.
      • NPCs capable of making the exchange, their location, and price they charge
        • Cipher: Leonoyne
          Shixo in Southern San d'Oria [S] (F-9)
          1,000 Allied Notes
        • Cipher: Maximilian
          Shenni in Bastok Markets [S] (F-9)
          1,000 Allied Notes
        • Cipher: Kayeel
          Shuvo in Windurst Waters [S] (G-7)
          1,000 Allied Notes
      ******* Players must speak to the moogle in the area for whom the conditions are met.
    Gildrein - Community Team