That is more than just SUPER USEFUL! Million of thanks to you, mate!
Type: Posts; User: ImOcktor
That is more than just SUPER USEFUL! Million of thanks to you, mate!
I see. That is actually a very useful tip you gave me here about Rhapsodies missions. It will help me to stick with main missions first in order to not end up in a mess with missions. Thank you once...
Oh, I see. Thank you very much. I also spoke with Kupipi thrice, but no luck. So now I understand that I should also complete Rhapsodies of Vana'Diel 1-2-1 Mission, not only the Windurst 2-3 mission....
Hello players! I have a problem. I can not get Cipher of Semih's alter ego. It says in FF11Wiki, that I can obtain it while speaking with Kupipi during mission 2-3. I spoke with Kupipi, but did not...
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