
Type: Posts; Posts From Last Day; Forums: English Forums and child forums

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  1. Why does the sun look like this? How do I fix it?

    Started by FaithfulWafa‎, 11-07-2024 12:18 PM
    Last Post: Yesterday 10:31 PM
    by Votraftur  Go to last post

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    Resolved Issues

  2. Last Post: Yesterday 05:04 PM
    by NOC_NA  Go to last post

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  3. The STF does nothing and I'm going to post every report I file as proof.

    Started by Vorix‎, 07-28-2021 06:51 AM
    190 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 190
    based, depressing, unhinged 10 Deleted Post(s)
    Last Post: Yesterday 01:20 PM
    by Uroah  Go to last post

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