Well I'm sure they will increase our TH soft cap to 9 sometime when they increase the job point cap. Other jobs get new spells and stuff and we get an undetectable increase in drop rates. Hurray.
Type: Posts; User: Ulth
Well I'm sure they will increase our TH soft cap to 9 sometime when they increase the job point cap. Other jobs get new spells and stuff and we get an undetectable increase in drop rates. Hurray.
That is super annoying. Mostly because if by some chance the kupower you want is active, you still can only use it in areas where signet works. That means most of the time we don't even have access...
Yeah that would have made more sense, sense you just know that empy feet reforged is going to have more TH on it anyway.
The treasure hunter system does need a change. The proc rate should be higher, The chance to proc should be on all hits, and the amount it increases drop rates should be increased for TH8+
The whole treasure hunter system may need reworked, but I have a feeling that is on the back burner as it isn't much of a priority. What is treasure hunter even good for other than salvage and...
Sounds about right. Frankly I think I would be more happy if job point 100 was just left blank for thf.
Yeah, but that's sort of why I'm upset about it. It's rare to even get to 12 let alone 13. Not to mention the potency of TH trails off drastically after TH3. I can't even imagine how little the...
8, chaac belt, plunder armlets +1, and raider's poulaines +2.
edit: in case anyone was curious. I have also used chaac belt, plunder armlets +1, raider's poulaines +2, and a Sandung, and the...
Has anyone made it to 13 yet? I tried to get it on Behemoth yesterday. I full timed my TH gear, and beat it to death only using a 1 damage weapon, but to no avail. Also I do have more than enough job...
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