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Threads 1 to 20 of 1213

Forum Top: Other

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Welcome to Forum: Other!

    The purpose of this forum is for players to discuss various topics on in-game systems and content in FINAL FANTASY XI that do not have a sub-forum of...

    Started by Gildrein‎, 03-23-2011 06:03 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 31,714
    03-23-2011, 06:03 PM Go to last post
  1. Accessibility feature: Activate RoE via command line?

    Hello SE! Could we see a way to activate or deactivate accepted Records of Eminence quests via command line? I have poor eyesight and for me,...

    Started by Gwydion‎, 12-07-2024 12:16 AM
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 71
    Today, 03:24 AM Go to last post
  2. The STF does nothing and I'm going to post every report I file as proof.

    As expected, you tried to hide the proof. That's ok. I have receipts. It also means you saw it, and are actively tried to hide it. You know the STF...

    Started by Vorix‎, 07-28-2021 06:51 AM
    193 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 193
    based, depressing, unhinged, whywon'tsempainoticeme 10 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 1,928
    • Views: 415,824
    Yesterday, 12:39 PM Go to last post
  3. Bibiki Bay

    Hey, new player here. How the hell do I get to Bibiki Bay? The wiki says "walk to it" and f-10. I'm at f-10 in Buburimu Penninsula and there's...

    Started by Mareppa‎, 11-05-2024 02:43 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 341
    11-06-2024, 12:54 AM Go to last post
  4. Vana'bout Gold Tier Rewards

    We were discussing the Gold-Tier rewards today during the daily Sortie run. Considering the effort required last time to achieve this tier, I believe...

    Started by Zattano‎, 10-08-2024 12:44 PM
    discussion, improvements, rewards, vana'bout
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 541
    10-12-2024, 11:40 AM Go to last post
  5. All Kupowers Permanently Active

    I know most people do not even look at the active kupowers for the most part, but it heavily affects a very small community within the game. ...

    Started by fuzypoo‎, 09-21-2024 11:44 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 334
    09-21-2024, 11:44 AM Go to last post
  6. Merge the Servers

    Merge The Servers: This is ridiculous, if not 251-800 'people' online, then each person has like 4 robot alt...

    Started by Jordache‎, 06-14-2024 07:53 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 24
    • Views: 3,765
    07-15-2024, 02:13 PM Go to last post
  7. June's fake ban report

    I'd sure love to know where these 600 accounts that got banned came from. I personally reported more than 200 bots by name in June and they're...

    Started by Uroah‎, 07-12-2024 01:25 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 623
    07-14-2024, 01:49 PM Go to last post
  8. Loading unable to be complete

    Hi, Can someone help with this? My character tried to teleport from Bastok Mines to Bastok Markets and does not complete the loading. It just...

    Started by Aphrael‎, 06-15-2024 11:30 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 760
    06-16-2024, 02:09 AM Go to last post
  9. May fake bans

    Claimed 609 bans for may Meanwhile there are 10 or 15 bots being created every single day just on asura, and a thousand active bots that remain...

    Started by Uroah‎, 06-14-2024 01:15 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 614
    06-14-2024, 01:15 PM Go to last post
  10. Suggestion: save game settings on /logout instead of /shutdown?

    Hi SE, Would it be possible to make the saving of character game settings like (Gameplay, Windows, Misc.1-4, etc etc) be saved on /logout or...

    Started by Gwydion‎, 06-01-2024 07:35 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 978
    06-01-2024, 07:35 PM Go to last post
  11. Adoulin Notorious Monsters

    I know their are forced popped notorious monsters in Adoulin zones. I would however like to forward to SE and the FFXI development team a recent...

    Started by Jordache‎, 05-24-2024 08:33 AM
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,375
    05-26-2024, 09:53 PM Go to last post
  12. New Mount Suggestion

    Would it be possible to add a sandworm mount? This is a great idea. Thank you.

    Started by Lerra‎, 05-18-2024 04:53 AM
    mount, quality, suggestion idea
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,312
    05-26-2024, 06:19 AM Go to last post
  13. Config to turn off mount music

    Can we please have an option to turn off mount music and instead listen to the zone music please? Thank you for your consideration.

    Started by Faninthecrowd‎, 05-24-2023 10:02 AM
    2 Pages
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    bgm, config, mount, mountbgm
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 4,276
    05-23-2024, 05:55 PM Go to last post
  14. April's fake bans

    Month is more than half over. Where are the fake ban numbers at.

    Started by Uroah‎, 05-18-2024 10:49 AM
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,366
    05-23-2024, 05:37 PM Go to last post
  15. Losing faith in humanity

    I was hunting Taisaijin, if you don't know, one of the NMs that still are on a 23 to 25 hour pop since TOD, BUT this NM also has a condition that...

    Started by VoiceMemo‎, 05-04-2024 10:33 AM
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,527
    05-16-2024, 10:02 PM Go to last post
  16. Conquest Region Control

    Hello. I'm sure many other players have noted this over the past 8~ or so years, but because there are no high level monsters in the Movalpolos,...

    Started by Vyre‎, 04-22-2024 10:58 AM
    apex, conquest, control, region, signet
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,278
    04-22-2024, 05:54 PM Go to last post
  17. March fake bans

    Fake bans look closer to real every month. Someone's trying to save face by unskewing the numbers a little bit month by month. You're being too...

    Started by Uroah‎, 04-12-2024 12:51 PM
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,018
    04-13-2024, 02:14 AM Go to last post
  18. Blacklist Ineffective

    While the blacklist feature may be working as intended, the way it was intended to work is insufficient. The current mechanism is one-way; it needs...

    Started by old‎, 03-20-2024 09:24 AM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 867
    03-20-2024, 10:24 AM Go to last post
  19. Fake bans February edition

    Oh, almost getting believable now. Only claiming 549. Quite a significant dropoff, someone finally realize claiming a thousand account bans per...

    Started by Uroah‎, 03-14-2024 01:02 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,045
    03-15-2024, 09:35 AM Go to last post
  20. Please address Accepted Bugs!

    Please address accepted bugs such as the following, which are over a year old: Thank you.

    Started by Gwydion‎, 12-08-2023 01:59 PM
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 6,056
    02-25-2024, 03:12 PM Go to last post

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