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  1. #11
    Ariyn's Avatar
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    Titan is one of those fights where healer threat is usually an issue. If you are doing FC runs or set up groups (non pugs) tell your healers to use medica I over Medica II until the last phase or absolutely needed. Medica II pulls more threat then you as a tank can build in more then 20 seconds in a single cast. So if it's being spammed you will not hold threat without using provoke. That isn't your fault, completely the fault of the healer that should know better.

    Edit - Didn't see naaros' post above but same thing applies.

    Other then that, pop fight or flight before pull as you always should and spam your combo. When he jumps hit em with shield lob before he gets to you. Should never have any issues with threat

    Quote Originally Posted by PiedPiper View Post
    Should you run completely out of tp, I suggest you then spam flash for a while while you regen tp, but that will likely come rather late int he fight.
    On long fights it's better to establish your threat then pop Bulwark and spam Shield Swipe rather then Flash. Yes you use TP still but you gain more then you use. Use this 2-3 times through long fights and you never have a TP issue. Flash spam generally is a waste since just about all DPS will gain more threat then your flash's and riot blade combo's to gain that mp back.

    Hell I'd rather throw out our gimped cure's then spam flash. At least there's some type of benefit from cure.
    Last edited by Ariyn; 10-03-2013 at 10:40 PM.

  2. #12
    dragonflyseksparade's Avatar
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    Last night on Titan I watched the 2nd whm in group use Medica 2 while his medica II hot was still on everyone. As soon as titan landed that whm had full agro and the tank didn't re-establish aggro until the whm died. Over-writing your own AoE hot on a group that is already at full health is a bad idea...

    WHMs must take care to not overheal with medica I/II on teh fight. There's absolutely no reason to cast medica II when everyone in the group is stacked and already has dual medica II hots on them.

    There is no specific MP number at which a whm must use Shroud. I have typically been saving shroud for the 2nd time Titan goes into the air. I'll pop medica II followed by medica I followed by Shroud. From that point forward you can mostly just use shroud as soon as it comes off of cooldown.
    Primary Class: Green number maker
    Best WHM, NA

  3. #13
    Brutallyn's Avatar
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    you say you have PROVOKE in your rotation. bad stuff.
    provoke is a taunt, it puts you on top of the aggro list, with a very small margin. the skills is used to grab aggro when someone else has it.
    as a war, when healer gets aggro, i hit provoke, immediately followed by an axe throw, to gain more aggro, and then a normal thread combo. If the healer is not frantically healing at that time, mob is glued to me again.
    just using provoke does nothing, hell it might actually lower you tread.


  4. #14
    Estellios's Avatar
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    As people have been mentioning, your WHMs must not use Medica II at any time before the heart phase. They have to Medica a lot and II is just overkill hate-wise. They also need to use Shroud of Saints differently than they might have been. In this fight it needs to be used to control hate at the beginning.

    For me, I typically have to use it right after I Medica after the first jump, but basically your WHMs need to use it as soon as their enmity icon turns orange and reuse it whenever it comes back up.

    After the Heart has appeared and especially during the final phase, you should have more than enough hate that your WHMs can use Medica II.

  5. #15
    Viray's Avatar
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    I've witnessed that myself yesterday, and the answer is exactly what Estellios wrote: healer had to burn Shroud after the first jump, and everything was okay. (Group of course wiped for an hour and disbanded, but I think that's normal for Titan HM DF :P)

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