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  1. #251
    GH0ST's Avatar
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    Akaski Serin
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    Forgotten Letters

    To my dearest Haurchefant,

    Pray forgive me for not visiting you as much as I use to. For I've been focusing on making the world a better place once you are reborn anew. Though you may not remember me when you are know that I will always will. For you were dear to me.
    As I kneed at your grave I realize that you were the only one that didn't just think of me as just the Warrior of Light. As I watched you slowly die near me you told me that a smile better suits a hero. Lord Haurchefant I have kept smiling even thought the odds weren't in my favor and that I was close to breaking down from how much I have gone through. You showed me that a hero smiled no matter what happens and that is what I've done to keep your final wish as your last dying breath told me. And as the light slowly faded from your eyes and the smile that was still on your face even though you have left this cruel world I realize how much you meant to me. I could have probably prevented the outcome but, I can't change the past I can only look on forward and keep you in my memories.... Haurchefant tell me what am I suppose to do now that I'm here at your grave. The memories are too much for me to handle. I've lost so many friends due to the Echo and receiving the title Warrior of Light. You, Lady Ice Heart, and Moonbrea. If I am the Warrior of Light and I'm suppose to protect the realm then why I couldn't I protect you! This power means nothing if I can't protect whats most dear to me..... but, enough of the what could of happen. I can only hope that I can live up to what you want me to be. And hope that you are smiling and watching me afar.
    Oh dear! I ran out of time I'll continue writing another time so wait for me.....

    *Valentines Day*

    ..... It's valentines day when I am continuing writing this. I see happy couples walking by me going to get there reading from the mages to see if they match. Me.... I simply stay watching them smiling. And near my side is your minion that I walk with most of the time. Instead of bright colors I stay in my usual dark colors. I think about Edda and her soon to be husband that she would have got married to if she and him didn't meet their untimely end. I thought about how hard she tried to bring him back costing her to loose her sanity and her own life. Lord Haurchefant would I've ended up like Edda if I didn't have my fellow companions to get me through the grief of your death? It doesn't matter now... after all you are right near me. Even though you are small.

    You are always in my thoughts and will be in my heart,
    Akaski Serin


    Letter written by: Akaski Serin of the Lamia Server.

    Prize: Noble Barding

  2. #252
    Chroma_Grey's Avatar
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    Chroma Szurke
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    Cherished Skywatcher of Ul’dah,

    . . . In clear skies I spot you as I race on by, with clouds ahead you see them with a weather eye. You are quick to see the heatwave come, and brisk to spot the blizzard’s outcome. Over many lands your eye doth fall, yet do you see me here at all? I have marched through the umbral wind and in gale I ducked while I grinned. Your words I have heeded and through endless quests succeeded. Yet dust storms seem to cloud your sight from the person standing on your right. Gloom is what I feel whenever thunderstorms are your ideal. Umbral static catches your attention whenever I try to show you an invention. My thoughts drag through the fog when snow you write in your log. Whether it be sandstorms or wind, can we ever truly begin? We may speak together of thunder and rain, as long as you divulge for me your name. For through every weather we have experienced together,

    I still have the hope that this here is not the end of the rope.

    - With fair skies at their sunrise,
    ☼ Chroma Szurke ☼

    - - -

    World: Cactuar
    Reward: Noble Barding

  3. #253
    ByutiAlyAriYuki's Avatar
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    Eleanor Yoon
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    Love Letter to Magnai,


    For things that I am not used to I am admitting this with the fury and rage in my heart. Among my adventures with my companions Alyona and Ariana, I’ve always been the calm one, the understanding one, and the one who keeps the other two out of trouble. With that ever since I laid eyes on you, I felt something within me that was ready to burst out in flames. This made me angry, I wanted to wipe that smirk off your face and put you in your place for speaking to me in that manner. As I continued to help the Mol, I wanted to prove myself to you. Now that I did, i still felt the same, which it grew to frustration. Once going back home and consulting with my partners Alyona and Ariana, they concluded that I have a certain amount of love towards you. At first I found it absurd and I grew frustrated only to realize, they were right, I grew a love toward you from the moment we meet. As a person that never has truly loved, this way was the best way to express the frustrating love I have for you. I still want to surpass you, but in a way to show my affection toward you.

    From afar,
    Yukisamashi Elysium

    Yukisamashi Elysium, Cactuar, Noble Barding

  4. #254
    Harutuna's Avatar
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    Raelene Riverstone
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    Dragoon Lv 70

    My dear Inspector Hildibrand,
    I began to write you a letter in the utmost haste about a case I had stumbled upon. The matter at hand hitting me so close to home left me a bit frantic, so I checked it before sealing it away and sending it to you- and I solved it. I solved a case on my very own! Oh how proud of me I hope that you are! But I shall not deprive you of the details, no, I shall share with you this case so close to my heart.
    There was a girl, whom thought herself sick, all she could think of was this one person, this man plagued her thoughts- no- not plagued, rather he danced about happily in her wonderings and made her smile. She would fondly recall adventures of hilarity and light-hearted times they had shared.
    Was she cursed to think only of him, to focus only upon those thoughts and no other this fine Valentione's Day? No, her thoughts warmed her heart, even though she was distracted- it sounds like a wonderful distraction does it not?
    Let me tell you... that's when it hit me. I wasn't sick. Yes, this letter is about me- me and you to be more precise. The feelings I am warmed by are of love. You are running through my head- leaving me spinning, ending flutters to my stomach. The thought of seeing you again someday soon gives me so much joy I am almost overwhelmed, in the most delightful way possible I assure you.
    So I ask you this, this Valentione's Day filled with hearts, sweets, and passionate reds, will you not be my own sweet Hildibrand?

    Yours if you will have me,
    Raelene Riverstone

    Raelene Riverstone
    World: Lamia
    Prize: Scarf of Wondrous Wit

  5. #255
    Hokuten's Avatar
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    Ramza Strife
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    Warrior Lv 70

    A Valentione's Day Request

    My dearest Lyse,

    Yesterday, when you spoke of Countess Arabelle de Valentione and asked me if I’d ever found courage enough to love, I lied when I said I hadn’t. Frankly speaking, my friend, I’ve loved someone for years now -- I just haven’t had the courage to tell her so!

    That is, until now.

    You see, I've come to realize that I don’t have to tell her myself. I can tell you, and you can tell her for me! Oh, come now. It will be fun! And what are friends for besides?

    Now, before you go and tell her how I feel, I must tell you who she is. And to this end, I’ve written a poem that so clearly describes my beloved that not even Papalymo’s explanation is needed to discern her identity:
    Like lightning that is greased, a Tornado Kick – released,
    Her beauty sends my Inner Beast berserking.
    And in spite of all my Cleaves,
    Her Gut Wrenchers give to me,
    More of the butterflies that I’ve been shirking.
    Isn’t it obvious who’s hexed me, Lyse? When you see her, will you please tell her to put on those perfect pair of pantalettes and meet me once again atop the Reach? I’ll be there after sunset.

    And one more thing. Call it nerves, but could you tell her to hurry?
    From the moment I first gazed upon those Ala Mhigan thighs,
    I’ve been lovesick for the girl who wouldn’t show the world her eyes.
    And though sometimes I wondered if she could see me stare,
    My fear is now that one day she won’t notice that I’m here.
    Happy Valentione’s Day!

    Your loyal friend and Right Fist,
    Ramza Strife

    Character: Ramza Strife
    World: Gilgamesh
    Desired Prize: Noble Barding

  6. #256
    Maestrou's Avatar
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    Lucillia Rigel
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    White Mage Lv 70

    I wish you had accompanied me this morning; the weather, albeit characterized with its usual wintry gusts and ashen skies, was painted by veins of lavender and gold as the dawn spilled over the mountains of Coerthas and silhouetted Ishgard, like an ethereal blanket.

    Haurchefant really does have the greatest spot in all of Eorzea, doesn’t he?

    Today, I replaced the flowers you had laid for him and Ysayle once more. I hope you fancy Ishgardian oldroses – specifically, the white ones. Funny, they always reminded me of their silvery hair – and yours as well.

    How many times has it been? How many bouquets of flowers have scattered to the winds? I’ve seen them every so often, not only to pray for them, but also to pray for you.

    I pray you are in good health, and in greater company. I pray that you will find whatever it is you seek in your journey throughout the realms, and hope you find your voyage not too lonely. I pray to meet you again, in person, so we can share our stories of adventure and reflections of the past.

    I pray that I have the chance to finally tell you what I’ve wanted to tell to you for quite some time.

    I’m not sure where you have gone, but I hope this letter somehow reaches you; I’ve entrusted it to my most dependable Moogle companion, one of many that we had met in the Churning Mists, who speaks of you as fondly as I do.

    May you have safe travels, Estinien, and know that you are always in my thoughts. And if you ever find yourself in need of a friend, I trust you always know where to find me.

    With love,

    Character: Lucillia Rigel
    World: Zalera.
    Prize: Noble Barding

  7. #257
    AmiraLockheart's Avatar
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    Amira Lockheart
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    An Unopened Letter by a Golden Door

    Hello Dreamer. How long has it been since I last gazed upon your face? Since we used to laugh and run around, adventuring at our own pace? Hello Watcher. Do you still peer a top your peak? A crystal mountain heavens high, showing all you seek? Hello Royal. Are you happy still? A crimson gaze and a smile that sends me chills?

    Hello Royal. How I miss you, as the days and nights drag by. Cycles phase to grains of sand, sifting through the tide. I remember when I last awoke, when you had gone and left my side. You said “Hello Hero,” and ran off with this new friend. How I would have intervened had I known it was the end.

    Hello Raa. I stand before these doors of old, knocking hard, the stone is cold. Oh, how I wish you would awake, to join our aether and bind our fate. I feel emptiness and anger, but I love you, and face the danger. I hope one day to meet again. I pray to the Twelve it’s not the end, but until that day…

    Goodbye Stranger.

    NPC: G'raha Tia
    Character: Amira Lockheart
    World: Zalera
    Prize: Noble Barding
    Last edited by AmiraLockheart; 02-14-2018 at 10:08 AM.

  8. #258
    Gatty_the_Hornless's Avatar
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    Letter to the Fallen Raven

    I still cannot believe that I am writing this.

    It’s funny, I remember hating you despite never meeting you- and who could blame me? The stories and legacy you left upon the realm were needless to say the writing on the wall.

    Nael van Darnus, if that is your real name, for the fleeting moment we met, I felt something stir within my heart that I had to quickly quell lest I lose to you in battle, but in that frozen moment I was taken aback by the beauty that your rugged argent armor had hidden from me.

    What surprised me even more was that exchange you parted upon me before your second untimely demise.

    “Only unbending resolve and merciless strength can conquer what lies ahead.”

    I have taken those words to heart, and they have been what I fall back on when times are dire.

    I do not know if there was a part of you that wished for some sort of redemption, or that there a part of you that had not succumbed to the will of Dalamund and its ungodly power; and you wished to help in some manner, but I have solace in knowing that one of the greatest legends of our time gave me the strength and fortitude to end the Dragonsong War, liberate Ala Mhigo, and work towards a future that would impress even you.

    I must burn this letter lest my companions find it, for no one must know about the feelings that I have for you.

    If somehow these words ever reach you, please know that I love you.

    Know that I will carry on your legacy as a Dragoon for the power of good.

    Your indirect protégé,
    Risen Emmeryn

    Character: Risen Emmeryn
    World: Cactuar
    Desired Prize: Scarf of Wondrous Wit

  9. #259
    Sisirinah's Avatar
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    [Hidden deep in a desk drawer in an Ishgardian inn, forgotten and undelivered]


    These days without you… I have a lot of regrets, all of us do, but in the quieter evenings when I miss you the most I keep coming back to the same thought.

    I never told you how much you mean to me. I never said how you set my heart racing every time you look at me, how your support is what gives me the strength to slay the gods themselves. I did that on purpose, of course. How could I possibly put words to the feeling you gave me when I first laid eyes on you that fateful night in Limsa? How could I ever measure up to your grace and poise in the face of any trial? I do try to deserve your trust, maybe even win your affections, but I know better. I could never deserve you, this is just a foolish crush that I should forget and let go. We all have more pressing matters to focus on, there’s not time to devote to these butterflies in my heart.

    But I can’t let it go. I can’t let you go. Everyday I feel your absence and I’m faced with the same regret over and over.

    I never told you I love you. And now I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance.

    Silently and forever yours,

    Character: Sihri Idris
    World: Jenova
    Prize: Blue Bird Earrings

  10. #260
    MightyMe's Avatar
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    Red Hayate
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    A Hate Love Relationship

    To my Enemy and my equal, The Ebon Claw,

    I Shake my head in disbelief as I pour my words to paper. I struggled with writing you for a very long time, but decided it best--if only to make the fluttering in my chest stop. I can only hope this letter reaches you.

    It has been many months since our last encounter where I foiled yours and your masters’ villainous plans to devastate the Beastmen. But alas, to my own confusion it's not your dreadful deeds that keeps my thoughts fixated on you.

    I conjure up images of you that quicken my heart. Your charcoal skin glowing in the light. The ferocity of your pale blue eyes. Beside your looks, I have never seen a swordsman of such skill. You emanate such a boldness and determination that I can't help but admire or even adore. If only you could use all of your talents for good. Maybe then, I could hope that we would be something more than enemies.

    It's silly isn't it? I bet that you’re laughing at the thought of me; the Warrior of Light swooning over you. I pray to Hydaelyn for strength to resist while repeating your offenses like a mantra. But still your cocky smile and the smugness you seemed to be drenched in, makes me swoon and it leaves my pulse in my throat.

    Im writing to you Nhaza’a Jaab because I know that you haven't fallen so far into the dark, you can come back from this, like you always do, but hopefully this time you will choose to be by my side.

    -Tentatively your’s
    Red Hayate

    Red Hayate (Cactuar)
    Bluebird Earring

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